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The Stork Came!

It finally happened!!! The Stork came to our house!! We had 3 kids placed with us (on August 4th) Friday afternoon. Luckily, Andrew was able to take off Friday-Monday (Aug 4th-7th) to be home as we all adjust the first few days. He then worked 8th-12th, but we needed him back home more until the kiddos started school. So took a full second week off, because it was really rough ! Big thanks to Culvers & Phil for allowing us time we needed. I love having kids in the house, but it's a lot of appointments for these kiddos at first. . For privacy reasons, I will never use their names or post pictures of them.  I have made fake names for these posts. When they called I was a little nervous to take 3 kids at once, especially since I have Cystic Fibrosis. We had agreed on only 2 originally. But, the lady explained the 3 of them really needed somewhere. Most foster parent's don't take sibling groups and it is really rare to find one that will take three, so our hearts wanted to help, although our brains were a little nervous. We said yes, of course within minutes! My sister and mom agreed to help as much as needed. Mom stayed a lot the first week to help out with appointments and such. Our church, family, and friends have been very helpful. Everyone helped drop off food, send gift cards, bring us clothes, and toys!!! Thank you everyone for helping us out!!!

The day they arrived we were told we would meet up at a local store (I prefer Target for clothes), but the representative had said Wal-Mart. We got there at like 3:00pm and were able to get a crib, mattress, car seat, 1 box of diapers, and wipes. That was the extent of the equipment stipend (which would have been enough if we didn't need all the stuff for the little guy). Although it's nice there is one at all. But, we still needed a playpen, toys, high chair, thermometer, and didn't even have a diaper bag! The kids showed up at 4pm. We were just told to start shopping and she would come back to us (there was another foster Mom/Child there that day too). We got a certain  beginning stipend for clothing for each kiddo. We sent my sister to buy more clothes and needed items for us. We had her pick up some shorts and shirts for the boys and some leggings, shorts, shirts, and flip flops for Barbie. I had her pick out a diaper bag with some needed items in it. WHEW, Thank Goodness my sister lives so close by and my parents came down the first day to run errands for us! I understand they have to remove kids quickly sometimes and they come with little... but...

Its been rough. They came with no middle names, no medical or history, and the youngest had the wrong birthdate.. Said he was 1 1/2 months, he is over 2 years old. Since we had no records we had no idea how many special requirements the 3 kiddos would need. Going from zero kids to 3 is a lot. Having 3 (extra --of some kind-- needs) kids is even harder. It has been super intense. All I will say is our agency said we have their most "extensive case." It is also hard to establish routine when you have 3 doctor check-ups, 3 eye appointments, 3 hearing appointments, and 3 dentist appointments, agency meetings, other resource meetings, and court dates all within the first 30 days. I think we have had at least 2 appointments almost everyday for something. Once the first 60 days are past, it should get smoother and be more structured days.

We got our work cut out, but Andrew and I make a good team. So far it's going okay. I do my meds when we first get up and do night meds once everyone is in bed. I don't have much time during day for anything (so I'm sure I lost a few of those pounds I put on). We have a way to go before we figure out routine. But we are getting there. [Picture: me folding laundry, doing nebs, checking diaper bag]

School started on the 18th. Cajun (13 yr old) loves school!  It makes me so nervous, they have been through so much moving in with us (people they don't know). I just want to protect them from anything that could upset them! But he did great, the teacher praised him in a email and he made 2 new best friends. Barbie wasn't able to start school until today (so a week late), I hope it goes well. Since both the older kids are at school and I have  the little guy (2 yrs) napping, I FINALLY was able to update everyone!!

Anyway, thank you for your support & patience! I know we don't have much time for friends and family, since all 3 kiddos need 1 on 1 attention 24/7. We really appreciate all the love, help, and positive thoughts! We will keep you posted! And again thank you for all the donations for food, clothing, and toys (they came with nothing and we don't have much for kids in our home). We REALLY appreciate everyone's love & support for these amazing kiddos, they just need an opportunity to do the best they can :-) We are so proud of the accomplishments we have made in only 3 weeks!!! <3


  1. After a few months everything will become more normal. But so far sounds like all is going okay. Good luck with DCFS. For the most part I believe they try their best. But depending on area you are in they are over worked and understaffed. There are good case workers and not so good ones. Hope all continues to go well. Although there will probably be a few bumps in the road along the way. But there is nothing that can't be over come with time patience and love

  2. Oh my goodness!! Three kids is a lot to take on and I so admire you!! I have a 2.5 year old, but he's a big guy (38lbs, 38in)... please let me know if I can send you some clothes for "Shoes" assuming he's smaller than my guy. I'm happy to help if I can!! :) My email is Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. I hope things settle down a bit and you all can get into a routine. Best wishes!!

  3. Very true Doug! Time and Patience is KEY to helping this little kiddos! And thanks, we are taking it a day at a time :-) We absolutely want what is best for these kids.

  4. Hi,
    Aww thanks! So far it is going okay. Our little guy is a little smaller than he should be, I will email you (If I remember...soon) lol. And thank you so much!

  5. Cheriz, this post made me tear up! You and Andrew are so amazing to give those kids the support that they need. It sounds very hectic, but sounds like you guys have the perfect temperament for it! Sending you my best wishes!!

  6. Hi Emily,

    Yes, it is stressful, difficult, and emotionally draining. BUT, I feel my Cystic Fibrosis helped prepare me for a tough(er than average) life with lots of obstacles. I think my CF helps me to stay organized and stick to a routine, which is what my kiddos need! I also think I am super emotionally strong, which helps me to not break down a lot. I learned to advocate for myself (and have been for many years), so I feel I have the voice, mind, and ability to be the best provider/parent to these kids. I want to do the best possible for them!! I just hope and pray it continues to get better and better with time. Thank you for reading & commenting!!! Hope you are well!

  7. Wow. What a great heart you have to give so much of your time and love to these children and to the Dream Factory while battling your own illness. We could all strive to be just half the person you are.

  8. Awww, thanks Corey. I just want to do my best. I think a whole lot of that credit goes to my family for supporting me & telling me reach for the stars! PS. saw on twitter that Lukah got her license, CONGRATS- big step, very proud of her! :-)


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