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Showing posts from January, 2018

Going into 2018

The last quarter 2017 ended a little chaotic. We ended up saying goodbye to two of our foster kiddos in November (we had them for a few months). I was hospitalized. Andrew put in more hours a work. And while we love visiting our family on Christmas. Although I REALLY enjoyed having Santa visit our home for the first time and even more I LOVED spoiling our little guy (I call him "Shoes" on here). He loved our tree and every time we turned it on, he'd say "oooh pretty."  New Year's Eve we enjoyed celebrating with playing board games and pigging out with a couple friends. Every New Year's I make crazy resolutions that I can not keep. How about you? Do you promise yourself the same things every year.  For example... I always would say I'm going to have 100% compliance with medications. Which would be amazing and is something I strive to do all the time. But, realistically with 10 breathing nebs a day and 20+ pills a doesn't always happen. By