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Happy Dance

Yay, I'm Pretty Happy! 

You prolly (I always type prolly instead of probably, because that is how I always pronounce it) know that I had my Cystic Fibrosis Clinic today. Well, Doc B hates when I call it clinic (because its impersonal and he is proud of the fact he has a Private Practice for CF), but eh it's clinic in my mind. It's always a really long day when I have my appointment in the morning, since I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get all my morning meds done in time. I woke up at 5am and did my 4 nebulizers & vest. Shopping & lunch always follows doc appointments too... of course ;-)

Pic: So here I am getting ready. 

I was a little nervous since I was in the hospital in January and was on IVs for 3 weeks (read about my Home IVs HERE), then got sick again in February & April and back on antibiotics (oral). I had no clue how my numbers would look. I've been working hard. BUT, with my lung function around 48% in January, 40% in February, then 56% in March, and back down to 50% on my birthday (that's right Doc appt & sick on my 30th bday), I had no CLUE where I would be today.

I've been feeling a lot better, more energy, slowly walking and doing more. So I'm building my endurance back up so I can exercise more. I've been working hard at eating more & keeping on top of all my meds. I've even been doing extra when I feel cruddy or wheezy. So I was hopeful. I wanted to be back to my baseline.

AND I was... I'm back to my average 55% lung function and my weight is even back up to 103 lbs. So I want to keep that up too!!!

Doc is super impressed I'm following up with GI doc to work out my stomach/ intestinal issues. Plus, I'm calling the Rheumatologist again (from 2013) to see how my blood work looks (long story). But, I need to know since my CFRA is getting worse (or whatever it is)!

I'm very much looking forward to this weekend. I'm celebrating my (rescheduled) birthday with some close family & friends ( my party is a mini CF Walk fundraiser). Plus, I'm getting my wedding dress altered and mom & I are doing some wedding errands! I'm putting up the CF Walk flyers around town & doing some CF Walk errands too!

Busy and productive weekend, but it's gonna be a fun one! And today was amazing, not only did I spend a great day with Uncle Brian & my mom, BUT I found out on I'm on the right track healthwise. Like I said in this previous post : it's like Babysteps) and it takes time! But I can do it, if I keep focused.

Doc B talked about new clinical trials I could do too, so I'll update more about that as I get the info!

So everyone do a happy dance, because even though I still have a lot of work ahead of me, I'm heading the right direction!

(from a past Geology Major)!


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