30th Bday Party Bowling for CF: Thank you to everyone who made this 30th Birthday Party happen! It was sooo much fun and we raised $400 for a great cause! The $400 is going towards Team CF2's Princeton Great Strides Goal! The party was from 7pm and lasted until 10pm. Which was perfect, by 10pm I was exhausted anyway. But it was so worth it. I actually bowled a decent game the first round. I had Andrew bowl my 2nd game though, since I was so tired. I got to spend some time catching up with close friends & seeing some family. Plus, I bowled I the first Ball of the night AND got A STRIKE! That's right me, Miss I-Never-Get-Over-70-If-That!!!! The whole night worked out really well, I split up the 28 bowlers onto 4 lanes! I had reserved and planned on 30, whew. We had around 10 people who came to visit but didn't bowl and they all still donated $10 or more too. Hope the cake I bought was yummy enough for $10! lol. But really, it was exactly what I pictured for my 30th an...
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