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Friends, Health, and Yummy CAKE!

30th Bday Party Bowling for CF:

Thank you to everyone who made this 30th Birthday Party happen! It was sooo much fun and we raised $400 for a great cause! The $400 is going towards Team CF2's Princeton Great Strides Goal! The party was from 7pm and lasted until 10pm. Which was perfect, by 10pm I was exhausted anyway. But it was so worth it. I actually bowled a decent game the first round. I had Andrew bowl my 2nd game though, since I was so tired. I got to spend some time catching up with close friends & seeing some family. Plus, I bowled I the first Ball of the night AND got A STRIKE! That's right me, Miss I-Never-Get-Over-70-If-That!!!! The whole night worked out really well,  I split up the 28 bowlers onto 4 lanes! I had reserved and planned on 30, whew. We had around 10 people who came to visit but didn't bowl and they all still donated $10 or more too. Hope the cake I bought was yummy enough for $10!  lol. But really, it was exactly what I pictured for my 30th and I think everyone had a GREAT Time! Which was the most important part! So huge thank you to everyone who came, donated, sent money, etc. It was a terrific, amazing, fantastic Bday & a huge success for raising money for CF!

Picture: My 30th Birthday Cake (pretty clever huh)

Lately, I've just been trying to get the GI problems figured out with a specialist, keep on top of my health, and build back my endurance (since I get tired walking a few blocks). Also, wedding planning & CF Walk planning has been keeping me busy.

May 4th is my next GI appointment (read about last one Here), which I'm pretty sure is going to result in him saying I need another colonoscopy & an endoscopy (last one was 2013...oh boy). But, I think it isn't the food, but antibiotics that are causing my bathroom issues & colon flare ups. Every single time while I'm on IV or oral antibiotics ( and a month or so afterwards) I have the problems. So I will see what he says and keep ya updated.

I also got tested for Celiacs, Lupus, and a slew of other things, since the only way to diagnosed CF-related Arthritis is through elimination. CFRA is a reactive arthritis so it doesn't always show in bloodwork ,etc. Which makes it tricky to officially diagnose, but Doc B thinks it's important to get it figured out. I was told I had when I was 12, but never "officially" diagnosed or tested for other problems that are similar...He's right, It's interrupting my daily life. My hips will pop out for no reason, my feet swell if I stand on them more than 2 hours, and I move like a 90 year old some days. ( Read about my Arthritis Problems here)

So I'm super excited to figure out all those issues, so I can just get the healthiest possible! Especially since Andrew & I are getting married in August! I want to be my healthiest when I start this chapter in my life!

Other pretty exciting news: I'm getting my wedding dress altered today, I'm putting up CF posters today, and soon it will be the Month of May!!! Did you know  MAY is CF Awareness Month?

And I have a goal for the Month of May! I will be posting 1 post a day on my CF facebook page. Blog posts,, TBT pics, news, research, great strides tips, CF education & facts, etc. AND I want to register at least one WALKER a day for our Team CF2 for the Princeton Walk!

So please let me know if you can walk with us and I can register you! I'm so exicted! I'll keep everyone updated on Doc appointments & Walk info! Again Thanks!


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