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Career Found

A Flexible Job That Helps Me Maintain My Health:

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post all about why I pursued Real Estate and why going back to Grad School isn't an option for me anymore. If you don't remember reading about my blue print sidewalk chalk drawings or my childhood design portfolio, make sure you Read It RIGHT HERE!

After reading that & understanding why I'm pursuing Real Estate and how it will help my Cystic Fibrosis as well. I'd like to announce my GOOD NEWS! I got an A on my Real Estate Final!!!! 

Finally, I feel like I'm turning my life long hobby into a career: see pic right.  That doesn't include my magazines and yep, I have the fallingwater Lego set (but its not finished yet).

Got an A on the final...that sounds good right, well let me explain. I'm not done yet. I have another 5 week real estate class (where its more hands on & case studies). Then after passing that smaller final exam, I can register & pay to take the state licensing exam! Of course once (or if) I pass the state licensing exam I will be ready to ACTUALLY start my career, but first I will have to figure out which agency or which broker I want to sponsor me.

It will be difficult for me to find clients (since Real Estate careers are largely built on references & referrals), since I live in an area where I don't know a single person. However, I'm sure once I start working with people, it will get easier. I'm eventually hoping to create my own agency and work completely out of my house. So I have two more years of classes to take (for managing broker), etc. So there is still a long way to go and much more work ahead of me. But, I finally feel like I'm on the right track!

The good thing about these future classes are it's only one class per semester two evenings a week! I can keep up with those, doing real estate, and my health.

I'm beyond relieved that not only will I LOVE my career, hopefully (fingers crossed) will be good at my career, but that my career will allow me the time and flexibility I need to succeed healthwise!

By working out of my house I can still eat whenever I want or need to (keep my weight up), and do all my therapies (9  a day)! Imagine never coming home late from working and having to skip a med or stay up til 2am doing therapies. I used to end up doing that when I worked for Family Video. I loved all my past jobs, but this future career will be exactly what I need.

I'm almost 30 years old and it takes more work to keep my health up now! I know plenty of CFers keep their health up and work out of the house. But with my 3 sets of therapies I find it hard. Each case of CF is different. Plus, I can't work (or barely move) whenver my arthritis is flared up, I have really bad intestine issues (which happen all the time). And I really feel a difference if I don't sleep enough, miss a nebulizer treatment (therapy), or forget to take my morning meds! And that happens when I'm on-the-go all the time. Being at home will make it a little easier to keep my lung function and weight up! Since I'm 30, not gonna lie it takes more effort. I mean the life expectancy for us is 37...And I plan on being around a lot more than 7 years! Working from my home is something I also enjoy. I love blogging, doing PR, advertising, etc. So I enjoy working off the computer and being at my house. I can do laundry or dishes while thinking about my projects I'm currently working on. This will definetly be how I run my house, Family (I hope), & career in the future!

I just can't wait to finish the 5 week course and take the state licensing exam! Thank you to everyone who has supported this decision and pushed me to reach my goals! Especially, my family, boyfriend, friends (especially samantha), and everyone else! I'm so excited! My goal is to be licensed by New Years, so I can start working right away in 2015!

Does your work fit your lifestyle (for me my CF)???  Do you work at home and do you like it?


  1. I believe in you. You go girl!

  2. This is an informative post review. I am so pleased to get this post article and nice information. I was looking forward to get such a post which is very helpful to us. A big thank for posting this article in this website. Keep it up.


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