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Showing posts from July, 2013

Clinic Results and more news!

Clinic: My weight is 94 lbs. So I need to work on that, but my lung function is still at 63%. I'm glad it didn't go down at all. Now to just make it go up... lol. We are working on it. Andrew and I ate at Pinstripes, a nice restaurant that serves upscale food, but has a bocce ball and bowling alley in it! Maybe next time we will play some bocce ball! Other news I found out at Clinic is that my Vitamin D level is finally up from around 14 to 55. Which is normal enough. I just have to maintain it by taking 50,000 units of vitamin D every week. He said he did notice in my blood work a spike in liver function. But, that could be from antibiotics I was on at the time. So next clinic (in two months) I'm getting my liver re-tested to make sure its not an issue. Overall, nothing big happened at Clinic. It was the first Clinic that Andrew has been able to go to. So afterwards we apartment hunted around the school he/ and hopefully I will be attending in the fall. He's been ...

Would 20 big Macs help?

Big Macs huh? I've had a couple customers at work mention things like " you're so skinny, you probably could eat anything. and still look that way."  Which I always just respond " yep, I guess I'm lucky" But I always think... Lucky.. lucky. yep I'm lucky I'm struggling to stay above 90 lbs right now. I have a stomach tube in me, have had it for 12 years and will have it for the rest of my life. I'm supposed to eat at least 4,000 calories a day. But I also have to fit in exercise to keep my lungs active, plus make up for all the calories that I burn. I get easily tired and if my weight drops suddenly it usually means I'm sick again. But since I'm skinny, yep I guess I'm lucky (rolls eyes). I hate telling people that I'm lucky. I'm not lucky when it comes to weight. Here are some phrases I hear that drive me nuts: - I'm lucky cuz I can't gain weight - you need to eat to put some meat on those bones...     ...

All the New Things.

All the New Things: Since my surgery on June 4th I haven't had a stomach feeding pump and unfortunately my weight took a hit. I'm stuck at 90 lbs. I've gotten my new insurance and my new pharmacy to work together and I should be receiving my NEW pump next week. I will have to start off slow (not doing all 4 cans a night) to get my stomach used to it again. And it will be hard considering I get off work some nights at midnight then go back to work the next morning at my 2nd job. But if I speed it up at night I should be able to do all four cans and 1,250 calories during the night. The upsetting part is more that I can't gain the weight without the feeding. I always had the goal of getting rid of my stomach tube. I wanted it to be before I was 30. Well, I now have realized in the last month dropping 10 lbs. that its not gonna happen. Its going to be a permanent part of me. Also, new... I have been working a new 2nd job to save money so Andrew and I can move to Chica...