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Post- Surgery Appointment

Post Surgery Appt:

As you prolly know, I had Laparoscopic Triple Hernia Surgery last Tuesday. Here was a picture of me devouring a piece of bread so I could go home afterward the surgery (4 hours post surgery and 20 mins post waking up from recovery). I was ready to go home!

Today I had my post surgery check up. He said everything in the surgery went well and besides the finding the 3rd hernia there were no surprises. He pointed out where the staples/stitches (they are holding the mesh in place) are in me. I have two on each side at the end of the mesh (so 4 on top) and two down farther in my groin. Apparently, I just have one huge piece of mesh that runs the width and length of my whole abdomen/groin area. Bahaha. I am Inspector Gadget after all. He said a few more weeks before I can lift stuff or exercise. Also, he said the area where the staples are will hurt when bending or twisting. However, I only notice really when I twist or turn too fast. Overall, it was a nice appointment. He actually is pretty funny too. Great surgeon. I have no fear going into future surgeries with him!

The part of the appointment I didn't like was after he took the strips off I saw the scar. Yes, I know I have three huge scars already on my stomach, two on my groin, and one on my chest, not to mention a stomach tube. So who cares right?

Well, until now my belly button and abdomen area (the section that shows with tankini swimming suits) has always been scar free. I wore a mid drift top for the last play I was in. And I've always liked my belly button. I could wear two piece swimming suits that cover my scars above the belly button and nobody knew... Now.. It looks like this (sorry, if it bothers you)
The white scars above my belly button are from previous childhood surgeries and I can hide them in shows and still show my stomach when needed. The 3 new scars are the red ones. The bottom two are beautiful, they are smooth, small, and healed well. The belly button one has a big bump, and it isn't healed completely. I really dislike the way the belly button one looks.
I know... I'm sorry to even complain. I know Dr. C did a great job. I'm sure it won't be as bad in a few weeks. I'm very thankful Its all fixed without too much fuss and life will go back to normal soon! He did a great job and in no way am I talking negative about his surgical abilities. I wouldn't mind that scar above my belly button or down by the other two. I just don't like the placement. Something that can't be helped.  And it isn't nearly as large as the one above that runs the full width of my stomach, so I'm just being silly.
ps. I start back to work this weekend at the restaurant and at my new 2nd job (the video store)! Now, I think I will get back to My Big Bang Theory Marathon or another nap! :-)


  1. I am sorry you are a bit bummed by your new scars. I understand your feelings. I also know you will always be beautiful to the many people who love you. Good luck with the rest of your healing and take it easy with the turning and twisting!

    1. It was just because it was the one area that was not scarred up. But I don't really mind and get used to them. Thanks!

  2. I have to point out the the curvy line below the belly button looks like a mouth. If you drew a matching dot or winking eye you're scar would make one awesome smiley face!

  3. i feel scars are inspiring, beautiful, and bad-ass because they tell stories about everything we have ever survived... although in all fairness i am more than a little biased. :P

  4. It’s great to see someone’s appetite come back after going through a long surgery. It’s been a year since you endured that operation, how are you doing now? I hope everything’s going great with your life and health, Cheriz. Cheers!

    Julio Brzozowski @ U.S. HealthWorks

    1. Since this hernia surgery, I've had my stomach tube taken out & the fistula repaired. I didn't need it anymore. I am now doing great. I'm Orkambi and my weight it awesome, very healthy! Thanks!

  5. Coming about scars over people in general range and around the navel are lasting however straighten and help in shading after some time. Legitimate treatment is recommended to patients after their discussion with specialist, as indicated by their physical status, appropriate surgical treatment is proposed to patients for their excellence upgrade.Richmond surgeons Va

    1. I have over a dozen scars from surgeries, I'm not really concerned. Plus, this post is 4 years old and the scars have healed nicely. My surgeon rocks! Thanks though for following.


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