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2 Updates.. progress, I think so!

Updates on my progress with being open about CF and jogging!

For anyone new to my blog: WELCOME! if you want to know more about me click here for my website! Otherwise, feel free to browse through my blog entries, I'm trying to write about multiple topics including: insurance, relationships, sharing about CF, etc (they are sorted on the left side side by topics). However, lately, just keeping on top of doing everything has taken a lot of my time.

Currently, I'm in Hairspray! Last night instead of blogging, I updated websites and made this FB cover for the cast:

Update on me being open about CF:
On the days I babysit from 5am to 5pm, I don't have time to do all my meds before having to leave for the carpool (for play practice). So I decided to bring them with me last night. I did my main (15-20 minutes each) nebulizers in the girls dressing room. Nobody really seemed to mind. Then some people started going to the green room to hang out and I got bored.. I decided during my last two nebs I'd meander out of the dressing room with them (portable machine). Some people asked me what I was doing, or if I had asthma. But again, nobody seemed weirded out. I even at one point did one of them in the green room (6 people were in there), but its a start.

I think all this time I thought it was weird. When I do my meds it kind of reminds me of my CF and then I start to get nervous it will do the same for others (and then people will feel sorry for me or worse look at me like a "sick person").

In high school, one of my best friends told me they were afraid to get to know me at first. They knew I was sick all the time growing up and missed lots of school. They were afraid if they got to know me that ultimately they'd just lose me. I guess it is this type of thought process that keeps me hesitant to share my CF.

But once again the cast of Hairspray continues to suprise me! So thank you to all of them for showing me it okay to not hide it (and therefore be left out). I've shared a lot with my carpool and I talk about my CF. Something I didn't do at U of I (except a few really close friends). Lots of people/friends there didn't even know I had CF.

My roommate told the night after my first performce of Stand Up Comedy (about CF) that some of my friends from U of I found out that night, while listening to my stand up. That's pretty bad. I should of shared more.

I've broken that barrier down with the cast and hope to continue this in the future! I invited everyone to do the CF walk with me on FB (for info click Here!); I'm not hiding my CF. I can't believe how much more easy life is telling people "I have to go do meds" instead of "nah, I'm i'm not going to go."

Update 2: Jogging:

As you may have read I skipped some therapy (nebs) this week and my jogging didn't happen in the last week due to being tired from the play. But today, I had a day off! So I jogged and it was hard ( my lungs hurt). Boy, I really got off track in the last week. I walked and jogged. I only did 2.1 miles. and my time was pretty bad ( 28.48). If I kept that pace for the entire 5K. I get a time of (42.48 ish). I'd love to tell myself it's because its 87 degrees out/ mid afternoon and there was two tiny hills on my route. But, really  I know its because of my lack of meds and jogging. I was constantly coughing and more out of breath than usual. SOOO..I'm really hoping to push it the next few weeks. Get back on track and see what I can do on the 4th!  I'd love a 35 minute 5K, but really I'd be okay with 39 for my first one.

Feel free to come watch or do it with me : click HERE!

THOSE thinking about running/walking: if you think you cant be a "runner" or you are scared to try a 5K. Start slow like I did. I walked for the the first whole month, then added some jogging. I didn't even start timing myself until July and I did walking from last week of Feb -April. I added jogging in late April. My first 5K is August 4th. Don't push too hard, just keep with it and try to enjoy it. It is tough and it takes a while for it to feel easier, but it does. ALSO note: I have 58% lung function ( don't judge yourself against me or anyone else). Everyone trains at their own pace, never let yourself get down because lack of progress and celebrate all the progress you do make! :-)

Happy running everyone!


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