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Huge decisions, big impact

I wasn't sure if I wanted to discuss this or should write this post. I had to make a really tough decision this week. I have been struggling with it for months. I finally decided to bite the bullet and do what I needed to...

I decided to share because there are probably many others in the same or similar situation. Well, here it is: I took a giant step back in my career.<insert gasp> That's right. I, Cheriz Kunkel, houses fanatic, architecture loving, Realtor, has taken a step away from her Real Estate Career. Let that sink in.

NOTE: If you are looking to buy or sell- STILL CONTACT ME. I still make commission on referrals!!!! Plus, I worked with some AMAZING realtors that are friends. So please still reach out!!!

Realtor of Year: 2017

I have been a Realtor for 5 years now and I have LOVED being in this industry. Helping people buy & sell, nothing gives me a greater joy than having a 1st time home owner excited to purchase their own HOME! I had always wanted to do Real Estate, but do to lack of health benefits never could...until 5 years ago when Andrew and I married and I was covered under his benefits. Now though, I have WAY too much on my plate.

I can't balance CF, work, kid, appointments, house anymore. I admit defeat. I need to stop. I'm dropping the ball on things more important than my work. I'm behind in my planning for the Princeton CF Walk. I haven't had time to run errands in weeks. I feel like if I don't start figuring out how to say no to things. I will just explode from the pressure of everything.

Here is the issue:

  • 8AM I get my toddler to school
  • 8-9:30AM Nebulizers & vest, sterilize med equip
  • 9:30-10AM high cal/fat breakfast & pills & shower, get ready
  • 10:20-11AM Work at office OR run errands OR clean
  • 11-11:45 Get kiddo from school
  • 12-2:00PM Lunch, kiddo naps during my afternoon nebs
  • 2-5PM Appointments : Our kiddo has between 4-7 (hour+ long) appointments a week in the late afternoons. Each is 30 min drive each way. 2-3 are foster related, 3 therapy/services, and 1-2 doc, dentist or CF related. Also 1 x week I have an hour long conference call with the CFF for one of the committees I'm on 4 committees.
  • 5:30-6PM Get home & get dinner ready
  • 6- 7PM Dinner as a family
  • 7-7:45 bath, book, bedtime routine
  • 8-9:30 Night meds then bed.

During that 40 minute (work) block, I usually run errands or work on stuff on the computer. And usually the computer work is for CF related activities and not real estate.

I think I refused to give up sooner, because I LOVED my career and it doubled in growth when I switched the Keller Williams in March 2018. I didn't want to give up such success. Plus, a lot of people with CF give up careers due to health. I didn't want to feel like I was already at the point where I couldn't work anymore. But, I realize its not that I can't work. Its that I have different priorities and things I want/need to do more.

Andrew & I

It just comes down to priorities. Health & Family, fostering, and the CFF Mission- right now that's all I can handle. So work had to go. Andrew just got a promotion last month that makes up for most of my salary. His job promotion came at the PERFECT time! I no longer will choose between work and family, health, or volunteer work.

I still have my license and will continue to keep it active, it's just on hold. At some point I hope to make a return to Real Estate. Maybe when our kid(s) are in school full time. But for now, I will do what I'm doing to stay healthy & happy. Plus, I sell Tastefully simple on the side AND don't forget I can still help in Real Estate. I do make commission on referrals. So no matter where you live, if buying or selling- let me know! I can find you the perfect Realtor (within my extensive network). So adios career.... for now. I have some other priorities that I want to focus on. Time for my family and myself.


  1. A lot of times even though you know what needs to be done. It is still hard to come to the decision to stop doing something especially if it is something you love doing. So then you find that regardless of how hard you try to balance everything there is only so many hours in the day. And if there were more hours you would probably wind up trying to get more done. Now if you are a perfectionist it is even harder. Because everything has to be just so. So regardless how hard you try to get every thing accomplished. You would most likely find yourself neglecting certain things even though you don't want to. Then comes to what at the time seems to be the hard part deciding what to give up. After prioritizing what is most important. Temporarily giving up real estate even though it may have seemed difficult was the only decision that you could come to. Now I don't know if you get stressed out or not. But wether you do or not I'm sure there will be less stress now. But just remember now that you are no longer working and you find yourself with more time to get things done without being rushed. When you find yourself done with time on your hand. Don't think you have to be doing something to fill that time. Sit back relax and spend a little time to yourself. Don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Every day is a new day with all sorts of possibilities. So greet each day with excitement and trepidation filled with wonder and awe of what awaits you

  2. I couldn't say it better myself. And yes, I was getting stressed out. Which who wants that? So even though it was hard, I'm glad. More time for my family & myself. Less rushed. Just makes life one step simpler. Thank you for the kind words. It is 100% the truth, you hit the nail on the head. Take Care Doug!


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