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2018: A glance over the year

This was the first FULL year we had kiddos in our home. We became fosterparents in 2017. We loved sharing memories and moments with all the kiddos we had in our home this year! Celebrating birthdays, holidays, and other big events!

Last hospital Stay April 2018

2018 started a little rocky health wise. I was admitted multiple times between Jan-April. However, I started a new medication this year that was a bit of a game changer so far for me. Since starting symdeko I haven't been on IVs or been in the hospital (8 months as of this week!). That's a record since 2011! I'm so happy I am finally stable, considering I was running out of antibiotic options that would work. I went from thinking I was running out of meds and nearing lung transplant list time, to having some of the healthiest and happiest months of my life.

Andrew's Sermon at our home church

Andrew started Seminary school at Wartburg for his Masters in Divinity, we have been blessed by our church & congregation family helping us cover the cost (so we can stay away from student loans). Andrew will finish schooling in 3 years and at that point we hope to find a church in our local area. Pastor asked Andrew to give the message that day. It was an amazing way to start this journey and celebrate the moment with family, friends, and church family.

I changed companies, still doing Real Estate. I had my best year ever in Real Estate- thanks to the help of my co-workers and mentors! <3

Lots of happy and exciting moments: a couple trips to Galena, trip to St. Louis. I was given an award in Feb and named "Realtor of the Year 2017" by the Women's Council of Realtors. Andrew MCed multiple CF events locally (awards nights and CF Education Nights). I was honored to be 1 of 3 panelists at the National Cystic Fibrosis Volunteer Leadership Conference and was honored to share my story with the entire CF Community.

I took on more roles within the CFF and have been very focused on my fundraising! My family, friends, and teammates raised $11,865 this year for the CF Foundation and we still have a couple checks coming in the mail for end of year donations! WHOOHOO- proud and appreciate all of you!

Thank you!!

Andrew and I appreciate all the support and love everyone has shown us with CF fundraising, Fostering, and with my CF. Happy New Year everyone.

and as far as new year resolutions go... I just want to continue to have a happy life with family, friends, and love <3

What's your NY Resolutions?


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