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Ordering my Portable Vest

I was lucky enough to try on both the Monarch and AffloVest (portable therapy vests) while I was in the hospital. Luckily, since those two hospital stays I have been doing fairly well healthwise. I caught one virus that knocked me down for a bit, but my immune system fought it off with meds at home. No hospital or IVs this time, whew. I have needed to be healthy lately, considering I have been super busy between work, "Shoes' Appointments (our FosterSon), and trying to plan the Princeton CF Walk.

I'm super glad I am so busy with work. I have three closings over the next 3 weeks, YAY!  While I love working and being busy with life, it really has made me realize I need a portable vest. It's hard to get "Shoes" up and ready, while I do meds, and get my work stuff packed up too. So I am beyond thrilled I got to trial both vests.  I think both work really well and both would be effective. However, I really lean personally towards AffloVest in particular.

Each one is programmable with oscillating modules. The main reason I decided to go with the AffloVest is because the Monarch was painful for me to wear. They say it is "one size fits all" and then you adjust it's straps a little. However, 2 oscillating discs in the back dug into my shoulder blades. It may be my tiny size and the fact I have a bit of a spinal deformity, but it hurt while it was on and left marks on my shoulder blades. The Rep told me to just shove a washcloth in there... My other big negative to Monarch is the weight. It is 13 lbs!!!! That may not seem like much but to someone 100 lbs that's over 10% of my body weight. When the Rep said it was lightweight and I disagreed. She replied "Sitting you wouldn't notice...."  HELLO!!!! I'm getting this vest so I don't HAVE TO SIT! The AffloVest weighs around 8 lbs, which isn't as much, but still wish it was 1 or 2 lbs lighter. AffloVest was quieter, which helps If I'm doing it at work or if my kiddo(s) are napping. I do think the Hill-Rom Monarch Vest has some neat options (like if you have a port on one side, you can turn off one specific disc and keep the rest oscillating).  Also the Monarch has different colors you can order (no purple). AffloVest only comes in the blue. A negative to the AffloVest is when the shoulder straps are adjusted for a tiny person the leftover strap just sticks up. I told the AffloVest Rep they should make it so they snap down and aren't in the way. Afflovest buckles like the regular vest, whereas Monarch zips. The zipper makes it a little less bulky in the front, but I struggle with zippers. I have struggles with some fine motor abilities and still can't tie a shoe the normal way. So the reason I deicided on AffloVest is due to my tiny size (weight and fit), and other problems I have due to my Cerebral Palsy  (Zipper and Shoulder blade pain). These reasons won't apply to everyone.

I think both are great options, you just need to find the one that works better for you. I'm beyond excited to receive my AffloVest. They are putting it through insurance now. I need to send my measurements this week. Hopefully I will have in in the next 30 days! A portable vest will make my life a lot easier. Especially since "Shoes" is still terrified of my vest. I only do it when he isn't home or when he is already asleep. I'm not sure if it is the noise or tubes that are attached that scare him, maybe both. But, I'm hopeful the portable won't be as scary for him. Poor little guy. He is such a cutie. He just turned three on Sunday and he got a lot of neat new outdoor toys! So I can't wait to have the portable vest and be able to take him outside during it! Being stuck in one spot is a lot more difficult now that I'm a (Foster)Mom.

I will keep everyone updated on when I get it. And don't forget Princeton CF Walk at City County Park June 30th- if you come you will get to meet "Shoes"!!! You don't want to miss out on all the fun this year! :-) <3


  1. Hope vest works out ok. Read up on both of them online. The one you are getting does seem to be the better of the two. Although I did not understand everything all the papers on them were saying. Have requested June 30th off work so I can be at walk. Glad Shoes had a Happy Birthday. See you all on the 30th. Take care until then


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