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Husband and Wife

We Took Our Vows:

Sunday, August 16th, Andrew and I said "I do."

People asked me all weekend if I was getting nervous and now that we are married people ask how married life is going. Well, here is what I have been telling everyone.  No, I wasn't nervous about the wedding or marrying Andrew. I was slightly nervous I'd fall flat on my face in 2 inch heels walking down the aisle (which was grass). But, why would I be nervous to get married to Andrew. I've never had a doubt in my mind about him. I knew I wanted to marry him. We were  ready to be husband and wife and you just know when you are ready. So no, I wasn't nervous. And now that we are married I'd have to say life is similar to it was before we were married. People say "oh things change after you're married." But they didn't for us. I'm not sure if that's because we are open with each other, or have been through a lot early on in our relationship. Read this past post about our relationship and dating with CF here!

I met Andrew in August of 2012, we started dating in October. Since we started dating we have been through 3 moves to new cities, Andrew changed careers twice, I've been hospitalized 8 times, 2 for surgeries and the rest for lung infections/ GI complications. I had a triple hernia repair, stomach tube complications post removal. Andrew even had to carry me into the ER (I was passing out constantly) and I transported to a bigger hospital 2 hours away for that virus/infection. We weren't sure how I respond toinfection, but after a month I fought it off. Needless to say, most couples after only dating 2.5 years haven't been through that much. I think if you go through medical complications together it makes you tougher and tighter as a couple. So in a way I have to thank my Cystic Fibrosis and all the medical problems. They really do make you love life and live life to the fullest.

Even though I'd say life hasn't changed much post-wedding, I'd admit life seems happier or I feel luckier. I guess Andrew and I's wedding song (first dance song) says it all:

"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way"

I think it was a pretty good sign we were meant to be, when we both had surprises planned at the wedding for each other. I had a surprise popcorn bar put together in the hall without him knowing, he LOVES popcorn!! Andrew's surprise for me was him singing a song with playing guitar to me at the reception (video to come later), I think he made most people in the room cry, it was simply so sweet. 

Our wedding was everything we had ever wanted. Our family and very closest friends there to share in our day. The ceremony was in the shade and had a nice breeze, our Pastor did a wonderful job, and the reception had tons of food. We had a brunch buffet with quiches, fresh fruit, strawberry and spinach salad, and a tomato-cucumber dill salad. Plus, we had 22 pies and 3 types of cake! Each table had its own pie centerpiece and we had chocolate w caramel, white w raspberry, and white with lemon filling cake too. Plus, mints and the popcorn bar! I will be posting pictures of the reception, the pie and vintage flowers were the perfect centerpieces for us! We LOVED them! Thanks to Homestead Flowers and Myrtles Cafe & Pie (make sure to send them love by "liking" them on FB at the links). Big thank you to my bridesmaids, parents, sister, Aunt & Uncles, friends who helped decorate, set up, tear down, and put everything away! Also, big thanks to Samantha for delivering the flowers to the local hospital so they could be loved and enjoyed longer. I had a couple out of state friends (Stacey & Michelle) who helped set up, and just run stuff in general. Our wedding went so smoothly, we got enjoy every bit. I've heard so many stories of people being stressed out and not enjoying their wedding, so thank you to all my family & friends who did the work so we could just enjoy our special day! We love you all!

Post Wedding:

We have been only married a week and we moved into our new place/ city on Wednesday (3 days post wedding). So I've pretty much unpacked everything and we are settled now! Whew. I'm meeting with the photographers later this week to get all of our pictures from the wedding too! Then I will be job hunting around the area. We are currently trying to figure out if Andrew can take off time for a vacation/ late honeymoon still. He's a manager at a brand new store that just opened two days after our wedding. So it's hard for him to have time off the first couple months. Which is okay, his career is important and we can go on a vacation once his store settled down more. 

I will be posting details about the wedding, the move, and complications with CF & marriage (like insurance) later this week, once I have more photos to post on facebook (this Thursday). But I wanted to give you all an update. Thank you for all your wishes and blessings you've been posting on Facebook and twitter.  Much Love!


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