My Big Doc Appointment: Okay, there is a lot to tell. So let's start with my working out & calorie counting. I know that sounds weird, but I forget to eat sometimes and like low calorie food. I don't care for greasy foods, sweets, or eating out. I'd rather have pickles, grapefruit, baked fish, and veggies at home.. Hence my problem. Low cal foods. So I count my calories. I have an app on my phone that helps me keep track and it subtracts what I have eaten from my goal. I set a goal at 3,000 a day. While I don't always make it to my goal, it sure beats the typical 800 calorie days I used to typically have... I also have been walking (with some jogging bits here and there) every single day my legs permit me. So since the 22nd I have done this for all except 2 days (where my legs were too sore). Those were my resting days. The last 3 days I have done a whole mile and I keep shaving time off. Today's mile was 15 minutes!!! Picture: As soon as we got home from...
Cleaning and Cooking