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My Lungs Getting a Workout:

Since it's been over a week since my last post, let me give you a quick update before I get to the main topic of this morning's post. Okay, so my diet is working. I'm still sad I forever have to say goodbye to sooo many amazing foods. BUT, I'm sooo happy. I'm having barely any (almost zero) issues anymore. Whew. Dear Pancreas why did you have to go and fail on me? But I guess it's really good that it's working. I'm getting out and learning the real estate market in the area and prepping for my state exam, which I'm taking on Andrew's day off next week :-) As you may have read on my Facebook or twitter page... had some car issues so I didn't make it to the Doc's on Wed.

We gotta take Andrew's car in and get some $400 thing fixed, because it's unsafe to drive. Waiting for his next day off to do that. So in the meantime he's been using my car, which is a little problematic for this week. LOL. But, soon his car will be fixed again. So another problem solved. Which means I can get back to the Trial I'm doing for Doc's research team on Wed! I go into the office 1 x a week for 4 weeks in a row. Then its over!

Which is perfect timing for the CF Walk and with my wedding coming up.  I'm trying to stay healthy and get my lungs in tip top shape before the wedding. I really want to be at my healthiest for Andrew. We have so many goals and plans for our future, I want to make sure I'm around (and preferably not on oxygen) for all of them. :-)

One way that really helps, and that Doc really harps about it is... yep, exercise. At one point in my life I was walk/jogging almost 4 nights a week and was around 60% lung function. I did a 5K that fall in 47 minutes. I loved that part of my life, I loved having muscle, energy, and better lung function. In the last 2 years my arthritis has gotten worse (my hips pop out a lot), my feet swell a lot and my joints tend to have more big flare ups.

Doc said I should try biking, but I'm not quite ready to give up on walk/jogging. It may be hard and I may be sore afterwards, but so far I still think its worth it. Of course, I haven't tried jogging yet, so i don't know how that will turn out. But all I can do is try. As you know Andrew and I have been trying to go to the gym to lift weights, sadly we have been slacking and prolly only go once every 2 weeks.

Pic: My Uncle & I 

But I took a huge step on Saturday (yesterday) and did a 5K! (Read about the last 5K I did in 2012 here) Well, not all of it. I did 3/4 's of it though. I made it between the 1 & 2 mile mark before I turned around. I was pretty proud. I walked lil over 2 miles in 51 minutes. It's a starting point and that makes me happy. I was a lil tired, but after an hour nap, I was fine the rest of the day. My legs were only a tad sore, so YAY!

I need reasons to want to 5Ks, and this my amazing uncles invited me to, so of course I wanted to spend time with them. Plus, the walk was for a good cause, Colon Cancer. My uncle has been Cancer free for a year and half since his surgery to remove the tumor! YAY! I think that's a great reason to do the walk!

I'm also doing a 5K in Walnut, IL for ALS (with some family & friends) in honor of my friend Sean, who I met in Dec 2011( read my ALS Posts here). We both volunteered at a non-profit that grants dreams to chronically ill kids. We started talking and got to be friends in a short time period. I did an ALS walk in 2013 with him, but shortly after he moved out west. However, I've decided even though he lives far away, I can still help & make a difference. ALS is absolutely horrible. Yet, he has an upbeat personality and you usually can catch him with a smile on his face. He is one of the toughest & kindest people I know. I can't wait to gather some family & friends and do the 5K in his honor! :-) Hugs, to ya Sean!

I think if I keep signing up for 5k's with causes close to my heart (I should be motivated enough to stay active). Well, at least until my joints can't physically keep up with me. And now that its summer, Andrew actually has a day off every week. So we can go work out, plus, he got a new bike a while ago, so we can go on bike rides a lot. I prefer to walk around the neighborhood or down by the lake, but he loves biking.

My dad and him really need to do the CF Cycle next year ( My dad does bike-a-thon thing in my hometown every year). Andrew also wants to do the extreme hike for CF sometime. So it's good Andrew is pretty motivated, which will help me.

I will be blogging after my appointment Wed to further discuss the research trial. Please, keep your fingers crossed my weight isn't down. I look skinnier & feel like I've lost a lot since I started the GI diet. It's really hard not eating anything with high calories. (so positive vibes please)


  1. Way to get moving :) Still interested in doing Brett's Run with us? They extended pre-registration. This is the last year for it, so we're making the trek for it even though we have a family party back down here that afternoon. Let me know :-)


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