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Canceled Appt, But EXCITING News!

Rescheduled Doc Appt & more: 

I was supposed to go to Doc's today for my post "sick" appointment. However, my car was acting up and I need to get it looked at before I go traveling 2 hours to docs. If your unaware of my being in the hospital and on Home IVs recently, you may want to read this post I wrote here for the info. A lot has been going on, with my trying to get back to my nomral baseline with health, planning my wedding, the CF Walk, and preparing for the licensing exam. Lots to do, but don't worry I LOVE IT. I thrive on being busy. Granted a lot of it is planning related, which I can do at home with the luxury of my meds and food nearby, but still busy. My rescheduled appointment is on the same day I start the new clinical trial on March 9th!

The last month or so I've shared a lot about my current health issues and past ones (if you don't know my history or CF story, check out my CF history page of the blog here or just look at the tabs I have above. All of them talk more about me, my blog,  and our efforts to fundraise for CF! My blog lately has brought up some big issues for CFers with concerns with marriage (insurance related and other). I think now that I'm getting married and dealing with some common issues, now is the perfect time for me to be a voice for others in this situation or who will be in the future. Scroll through my past posts to understand all the "CF & Marriage" issues. Other than those typical CF issues the planning of a wedding part (minus guest list probably) has been easy and uncomplicated. I guess Andrew & I just knew what we wanted, I wanted to do everything local and support as many local small businesses as I could (within our budget). So thankfully everything wedding related is just falling into place perfectly. Guess it really was meant to be! awwwwwww. Oh, and here is a sneek peak engagement pic (I have a very talented bridesmaid that did them for me):

The wedding is very important to me, it repesents my love for Andrew and our happy future together, but I'm just AS excited about the CF walk in Princeton, IL. It's like my baby. I pour everything into it. I call and reserve places, I recruit, send sponsorship letters, have T-shirts created, find music, entertainment, food, etc. I have tons of help though. Last year lots of my family helped out and we had a couple of ladies (from
other CF teams) who I knew from Princeton who were crucial to our fundraising and sponsorships efforts! AND I'm happy to say everyone is on board again this year and our fundraising committee has grown from 3 people to 5-6 this year!!! Last year we had two teams: (my team:) CF2 & Team Josh. This year we already have a new team registered! So we are anticipating a growth in the Princeton Walk with even more money raised than last year! This is BEYOND exciting! We have around 40 people registered, 2 teams (1 more I know of) and I can't wait to see how big this walk will get!!!! Keep it up Princeton!!!!

My Team registered so many people I won the Feb Registration contest, which means Andrew & I won tickets & backstage passes to see Lewis Black in May!!!!! Love him, so excited!

Please don't forget to register (with a team, mine or another), create a team, or you can sign up as an individual too! I have the link to registration, etc. Right Here! Ask me any questions, I'm here to help! Registering early helps me with the headcount for food, etc.

BUT that's not all the exciting news!!! My friend Rachel has decided to lead Team CF2 at the Great Strides Walk in Albuquerque, New Mexico (where She & her husband live). This will be the first time  my team is represented outside of ILLINOIS. Which means if we keep growing we have the potential to become a NATIONAL FAMILY TEAM!!!!

So do I have any other friends or family that live in other states that feel like walking at their local CF Walk as a Team Leader of CF2???? Click here to find a walk near you!!! There are walks everywhere and I'm more than happy to help you register, help you with anything you need! This would be beyond amazing to grow into a National Family & Friends Team!!!!!

So even though something is wrong with my car, I had to cancel my appointment, I still got some really good news!


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