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Hockey, Research, Wedding Talk -What a Weekend!

Too Busy for My Own Good:

My Family bought tickets to the Rivermen (Hockey) Game for Christmas for my Dad. The game we got tickets for was Saturday the 10th! Growing up we went to tons of Rivemen Games. For my 9th Birthday my family and a friend got to go to Rivermen and I LOVED it. I even met some of the players, got signatures, and a hockey puck from a game. We loved Rivermen, but as we got older we just stopped going. Too busy with high school and college, etc. Dad had mentioned it a few times, so we deicded to surprise him! He loved it! Actually we all did! Above Picture: The Family at the Hockey Game! We love you dad! 

So we decided to come home friday night (before the game) and have Dinner with Andrew's parents. Then Friday night Andrew dropped me off at a girlfriend's house, so we could talk wedding/bridesmaids stuff. Saturday Morning a friend (a bridesmaid) did engagement photos for us for free. If you didn't know we were engaged, then read the post called OUR PROPOSAL.

After then engagement photo sessions we headed to Peoria with Mom & Dad to get Ada for the Hockey Game. We ate a cute lil Irish restaurant and the Rivermen even won the game! Plus, a bonus we didn't even realize was that it was Star Wars night at the Game. Andrew got his picture with a Storm Trooper :-) Ha, I love him!

Andrew & I had to head back to Sycamore that night. Andrew worked the next morning (sunday) and I was heading to a Research Seminar in Chicago that morning at 6:15am. Ugh early day and late night!

I love Doc B's Research Seminars. He describes how CF works, the different mutations, medicines that have been developed, as well some updates on research. It was neat to hear about the trials I had done and new ideas coming to market.

 Picutre to left: Andrew & Storm Trooper from the game!

Since Andrew had to work Ryan (one of my best friends) came with me. I was super tired, but Ryan and I always have fun when we hang out, so I didn't notice how tired I was most of the time. AND Ryan loved hearing all about CF (believe it or not as much as me) and of course we enjoyed the amazing Buffet. Andrew told me to eat a lot, since I need to gain weight. Check it out. Pic: My plate of food. I had already eaten 6 pieces of bacon before I took this picture. The food was delicious and of course I'm gonna stuff my face with delicicous free food! haha!

Doc even discussed the current trial I'm starting on Jan 21st. You may want to read about it, as well as my current health status (which I'm lil disappointed in...) Read it in my post: HERE: Clinic Update & Trial info. After the seminar Ryan and I did a little shopping on the way home. It was really fun! Ryan & I talked about everything, including some wedding talk! I was super bummed to find out the Barnes & Noble closed where I live. We had a few books we needed to get. So sad. I will have to wait for the next book in my series.

Picture: Ryan & I at the Seminar! 

Then later that night Andrew & I went to dinner with his uncle and aunt. I was glad we got to go out with them, we had to reschedule it a couple times before that. It was really nice catching up and talking & I love Famous Daves!  However, the roads weren't the best, so it took us a lil while to get home. It was a super busy weekend!  But worth it.

We have quite a bit to do this week! Andrew starts classes again this week and I'm studying hard core this week to take my Licensing Exam.

Side note: I haven't told you much about Andrew (other than relationship type info). But since we are engaged, so I should let you all geet to know more about him! So here's a lil info: He went to Culinary School, graduated, but decided Restaurant life isn't for him. So he is studying full time at NIU for History Education. He'll be certified to teach 6th- 12th grade. He (ideally)wants to teach European History, Mytholoy, and some comparative Religion classes. He'll also be certfied to teach U.S History and Geogrophy! Eventually some day he may go for a Ph.D and teach at a college level, but for now he wants to work with the youth. He is amazing with kids and I know he'll be a fabulous teacher!  

 So he'll be super busy working full time and getting back into classes starting today! He works this weekend too, but this weekend Mom & Ada are coming up to go shopping in Schaumburg on Saturday. Then next week I'm taking my exam and will be ready (hopefully) to start selling homes! EXCITING! Plus, Andrew & I have made wedding plans. We have a lot figured out, almost everything actually. AND my next blog will be discussing our wedding plans, CF & other struggles with wedding planning, and how we are making our wedding budget work! So get excited. :-)


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