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The Proposal

Not the movie...but:

That's right. We are engaged! I haven't posted in the last 6 days on purpose. We wanted to inform our family and a few friends before I share with the whole world (or whoever reads this blog...Lol). And since I share everything with you, I'm going to share with you Andrew's proposal ( which was absolutely perfect for us).

We had been discussing marriage, buying a house, etc for over a year. We had even discussed engagements, rings, and proposals way back in Feb of this year. He knew my ring size and my thoughts on proposals. I think they should be thoughtful and geniune. That pretty much sums it up. Simple, sweet, and not too expensive.

Picture on right: Selfie just after we got engaged!

So months went by since our marriage discussion and then last Tuesday Dec 23rd Andrew proposed. Let me start at the beginning.  Monday Dec 22nd my friend, Stacey, came to visit for the night. Andrew said Stacey and I should get our nails done, you know a girls night. Plus, stacey lives out of state (so I only see her once or twice a year). So Andrew took us to the nail salon and we got our nails done. I never get my nails done, I'm super cheap, so this was a real treat. It was soooo much fun catching up with Stacey on Monday night and Tuesday during the day! I LOVED having her visit! She was my rock in college and I just love my staceface! We played board games, got our nails done, and Andrew even made us a delicious dinner!

 Pic of Stacey and I & our delicous dinner Andrew made for us! Yum, Salmon!

Tuesday, Stacey left about the time Andrew got off work.

When Stacey left Tuesday I knew Andrew and I had plans that night, so the fun didn't stop, what a great day!

We had decided a few weeks ago that Andrew & I would celebrate Christmas (just us) on Tuesday night, since we would be gone for actual Christmas (visiting family). We always do stockings for each other instead of gifts ( I love stockings, so we have been doing that for 3 christmases now). So that night he got off work and we got ready to go out. He said we had reservations for dinner that night.

 He picked out what dress I should wear (it was my favorite dress that Andrew bought me this summer). Sometimes he will pick out the dress, since I have trouble choosing and tends to take forever...LOL.

We went to a local Italian restaurant and Andrew told me to order anything I wanted. I was hesitant. I didn't feel like pasta, but they had seafood and steaks. Both sounded really good.  Plus, they had some really good soups and soup is my VERY favorite food ever!
So I got the steak and lobster tail, a bowl of the soup, and then Andrew ordered the calamari appetizer. Which was a lot of food, but I devoured all of it. It was delicious and were some of my favorite foods. Andrew knows I love my meat, seafood, and soup. YUM!

side note: Ha, since I have a blog, I tend to take pictures for everyone to see and thanks to my blog I have all these pictures to remember the day Andrew proposed!

After our amazing dinner, we came back to the apartment and we opened stockings! Andrew opened his first, I loved buying all the stuff in his stocking. He really loved the Despicable Me playing cards.

After I opened my entire stocking (which I loved), Andrew casually said " Oh, I think
something most of fell out. I thought I put something else in there..." He walked around the coffee table and proceeded to get down on the floor and was "looking" under the christmas tree (on his knees). He goes "Oh there it is.." he pivoted around on his knees and proposed.

Apparently, he had the ring under our xmas tree (under the tree skirt) for a few weeks... Sneaky guy.

pic: Yep, this was post opening stocking and pre-proposal.

His proposal was sweet and short, a few lines that are special to us (I'm not posting those)but then he ended with  something along the lines of " I love you more than anything, I can't wait to marry you, will you marry me?"

I said "of course!!!"

We then went home for Christmas and told our family and close friends we saw. So needless to say my Christmas Holiday/ week was amazing!

A few weeks ago Andrew and I both shared our perspectives on dating, relationships, and CF. You may want to really look deeper into how our relationship works by reading my perspective here: CLICK HERE and please also read ANDREW'S PERSPECTIVE HERE. He is such an amazing guy, I'm so lucky to be able to say that I'm going to marry this man!


  1. Awww, how sweet and special! You two are perfect for each other and I'm so happy for you!

    1. Thanks Colleen. We are both so excited! Hope your family had a great Christmas! :-)

  2. Congratulations!

    But now what am I supposed to do?

    You made me SO HUNGRY with your pix & descripts of all that luscious FOOD!


    So, SO HAPPY for the two of you.

    Wonderful couple.

    1. Thanks! Ha, I lOOOOVE Food! But really, thank you so much. I'm so happy! I can't wait to marry this amazing man!

  3. I am so happy for you both!! I have a saying that I keep in my wallet...."The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person.....but loving an imperfect person perfectly" Best wishes!! Hugs !!!
    Vickie Buckley : )

    1. I love it Vickie! Thank you so much! I hope everything is going well for you guys. Miss you and our rides to Peoria! :-)


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