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Postponed Clinical Trial, But Still Celebratin'

Happy, so much to celebrate:

Yes, my clinical trial that I was all set to do the screening for tomorrow has been postponed until Jan 7th. The Clinical Trial Reps want Doc to wait until Jan 7th, so I'll have had a full month off between the closing date of the last trial and beginning of this trial. Which will be 2 months from my last experimental (or placebo) drug, giving it a decent amount of time to get out of my system. Which makes sense, but I understand considering the waiting period between the drug & closing date AND the length of time between the opening/screening and first dose is lengthy enough Doc thought it would still fit protocol. But he is right, better safe than sorry.

So even though that Clinical Trial got postponed I'm still rather cheery. Why? Well, quite a few reasons!

1. I gained a few of those much needed pounds back over Thanksgiving! YAY!!!! Holidays are the perfect time to gain weight, whew. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving! All of my favorite foods are staples during the Holidays, so it works out perfectly! Also, Andrew & I got an early Christmas gift from someone this year and it was a Kitchen Aid Mixer, so I see a lot of cookies, baked goods, and even homemade pasta in my future. Yay, for my culinary boyfriend and fun kitchen gadgets!

2. I special ordered earrings from a crafter at a show (they were purple beaded cure ribbons), I just received them in the mail and I'm so excited to wear them at the next CF event (they have a slight reddish hue to them, but are still cute). She actually sent me a pair of the angel earrings that I was debating on getting at the show too. I bought a pair of cute snowmen and the cure ribbons, so she decided that I was "such a nice girl that she would send me the angels too for free!" How sweet! The angels and the cure ribbons came together in the mail, so of course I couldn't help but think of Laura. She loved purple cure ribbon anything and everything! So that put a smile on my face.

3. Also, yesterday was December 1st! I have this rule that we can't put out Christmas until Dec 1st. And that is exactly what we did! I love
when the apartment has the Christmas décor up, whenever I see it, I'm instantly in a better mood. I have a bit of a cold right now, but with all my Christmas movies and decorations, who even cares. Love it! I bought a lot of Christmas stuff last year after the holidays (on clearance), so I had a lot more this year to put out. And I got two more decorations at craft shows this fall, so my amount of décor has doubled since last year! Whoohoo!  See more Christmas Pics at the bottom!

4. Another reason to celebrate is that it is my Dad's Birthday! Gosh, I'm so lucky to have such an amazing dad! He really is the true definition of hardworking and devoted. PLEASE take the time to read this post: Why my Dad is amazing!  I wrote it 2 years ago, but it ALL is STILL TRUE! So Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!

5. And then lastly, I'm excited for this weekend. I'm traveling with my parents to Peoria for the weekend. Mom's got another (her final one for 2014) craft show. So I get to spend the weekend with my family. Saturday is her craft show and then Sunday is the Dream Factory (of Central Illinois)'s Annual Christmas Party!

The Dream Factory grants wishes to kids with severe medical problems or disabilities (similar to Make A Wish). The Dream Factory granted me a wish when I was 10 years old! I first wished for a Mr. Potato Head Pillow. Then the lady told me I could go anywhere, meet anyone, or have anything. I replied " Can I have a computer, I love using them at School" and then I proceeded to run and get my piggy bank to show I had been saving up for one. And sure enough I got a desk, chair, computer, printer, tons of games, etc. In Dec 2011, I decided to join and volunteer with Dream Factory. I continued to do so, until I moved away in the Fall of 2013. I love the Dream Factory and everything it represents! So I'm very excited to watch all the dream kids open gifts, visit with Santa, and see them get their faces painted. It's adorable to watch and a great time/experience every year!  And it's a great way to start the Christmas Season!

Here are more pics of the apartment! I didn't have to buy a thing this year to decorate!

I had forgotten I bought this table cloth.

I love the pictures my babysitting girls made me 2 years ago! I always put them on my fridge!

Gotta have lots of Window Clings


TV, Fireplace, etc.

Well, I suppose I should go and study some real estate, then perhaps get a jump start on Christmas cards. I'll keep you all  updated about Clinic & the trial on Jan 7th too! Everything is going peachy, so I'm very thankful for that! What are you thankful for? AND Happy Holidays!


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