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My Surgery

My "Bullet Hole" Fixed:

Everything went smoothly and this morning went really fast. Check out my style : lol the new fashion. Pic: Taken pre-surgery

I'm very excited to say my surgery is over and I'm doing quite well. I'm so excited, I've been on a liquid diet all this afternoon/evening and GUESS WHAT? No leaking, none because it's sewn shut. My surgeon did a great job and I can't wait to be done healing. Sorry if this seems a little more scattered and oddly written. I'm still on a small dose of pain meds. I'm not a big fan of pain meds considering my severe allergy to morphine. But, by feeling the pain I can gauge how fast I healing, but for today (the day of my surgery) I was told to stay on them, because of the pain coughing causes. I can cough more freely and try to clear my lungs if I take the pain medication. However, tomorrow I'm not asking for any pain meds though, since I want to be free to go home as soon as posssible.

If you're not sure what the surgery was or how it was done please click to read my post about it! It's important to understand why I had the complications and needed the surgery, I don't want anyone to use this as a reason not to get a tube.

It went very smooth, the IV was successfully put in on the first try, my surgery only took 2 hours and I was taken up to my room to be admitted by 1pm. Doc C (my surgeon) said he was admitting me as a precaution for my Cystic Fibrosis. I did have my stomach ripped off my abdomen wall and stitched up, so okay I guess I'll agree. The incision is only 2 inches long and it's my first vertical surgical scar, so I'm little curious to see how it looks healed.

I will be going home tomorrow (barring any major problems or set backs). I just gotta keep down my liquid diet tonight and my soft diet in the morning, the  real food at lunch and home I go!! Yep. So that is exciting
and Andrew has tomorrow off, so he can help out. Tomorrow I will be off all pain meds though, so I'll be glad to have him home to keep me company.  Doc says no lifting anything for a few weeks, but otherwise when I get home, it's activity as tolerated.  So I should be able to attend and sit at mom's craft show Saturday. whew!

Also I wanted to let everyone know that I'm participating in a global challenege called "Silent for Cystic Fibrosis" It's where we unplug from social media for 65 hours and donate $6.50 to the CF Foundation.

I donated to Andrrew's CF Climb he is doing on Nov. 9th. He will be competitively climbing 58 flights of stairs to raise money for CF research. Please consider donating to his challenge as well. If we raise our goal of $900 that means that we (Team CF2), my family, friends, and community will have raised $15,000 for CF this year!!!!! I know we can, please help us reach this goal.  Please click here to go to the donation page! Last year he did it in just over 17 minutes, so let's support him and watch him beat his time from last year. Next year I will be doing the climb too, but since I just had surgery... not gonna happen this year! I will be  there to support him though!

And if you need to get ahold of me please text, since I won't be online for 65 hours.

Wondering why 65 hours, $6.50 donations? Well, Cystic Fibrosis is easily pronounced by saying sixty-fives roses. Which is how they taught children to pronounce it. Today, the phrase has become a sort of symbol. Lots of CF patients love roses, get 65 roses tatoos (the phrase or roses), and lots of charities have been named after it!

I wanted to thank everyone for the texts, messages, and love shown on facebook during my surgery! I will be posting this weekend too about how I healed. Can't wait to be rid of this hole!

After a week of healing I'll post pre & post surgery pics for the CF folk to see (and I'll put a warning in the title for those who don't want to see it). No worries. I feel it important to share our experiences with other CF for those who have similar experiences & some have already contacted me asking for me to post them. So thank you for undersyandung and thank you for the support everyone. It means the world to me!


  1. So glad to hear that everything went well. Take it easy and feel better.

  2. It has been going really well, thanks guys!


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