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Moving Day is Right Around the Corner

Moving, Again. YEP! 

I know, I just moved to the Chicago burbs last summer, however, I'm moving again. Andrew and I will both be moving to the Dekalb/Sycamore Area. I just got called the other day that the apartment I applied for/ was on a waiting list for.... IS officially ours :-) I can't wait to sign for it! It's 2 bedroom and 2 bath, with a lakeveiw from the patio and a gym included.

Having a gym will really help me. I want to work on adding some muscles to my tiny arms and work on my lung function. When I was diligent with jogging/ working out, I really did have a better health. So I need to get back into the habbit again. I know, everyone thinks that about themsevles usually... We always say "Oh, my resolution will be to work out more..." But having Cystic Fibrosis, really does make it extra important. And for so many reasons.

The biggest reason is obviously lung function. I currently have 55% and I need to work my lungs to bring it up!  And help clear that junk out of my lungs too! Smaller, secondary reasons, exercise helps with my arthritis and helps with my muscle strength. I do have some issues with my muscles, due to my cerebral palsy. So I have plenty of reasons to work out more.

Here comes my dilemma... I'll be taking classes part time to get my broker's license. Also, I'll be working at a family video that is 30 miles away. My problem is currently I'm not even going to school (since I had to take a medical withdrawal in October- read about it right here) and I'm working 35 hours a week. It's not full time, but it exhausts me. I get up at 6:30 do meds until 8:00, then get ready for work. I work from 9am-6pm. I get home around 7pm... do meds until 8:30 and then crash.  I don't even usually eat on days I work if I'm home alone all day. I'm too tired to make the food.I forget to go to the Pharmacy (which is 20 mins away). I'm supposed to go every 3 days to get meds. So this August when I'm all moved. I'm going to have to cut down on the number of hours I work, in order to go to school, do errands, and work out enough to get healthy again. I'm hoping to work 15-20 hours a week, go to school 6 hours. And work out 3-4 days a week.

I think this will be a challenge, but Andrew is going to help me stay on track. The new lease starts on July 14th. The Bensenville lease ends on August 21st. Paying double rent in August won't be fun, but at least we can move smaller loads on the days Andrew is commuting to Sycamore for work (he's tranferring within the company). He's driving from our Apt here to Sycamore 2-3 days a week, until everything is moved. So it shouldn't be as exhausting for me as last summer.

I'm still impressed everyday byAndrew's work ethic. My dad has always been the hardest working person I know. Growing up, my dad worked 6am -3pm at one job, and 5pm-11pm at another. And on weekends he farmed/ butchered at my uncles. Somehow he always found time to mow the yard, help out neighbors, and never missed my sister's and I's school activities. However, Andrew has that same attitude. He works 46 hours a week, takes 15 credits at school, and still volunteers at stuff. It's crazy ambitious and I'm seriously impressed.

This can-do attitude he has, has definetly helped me. I can't wait to move and see how this new schedule works out and hopefully see some results. Oh, good gravy I need to get packing some stuff up. I've been so busy with the Princeton Walk, everything else in my life has been put on hold.

BUT, it will be worth it. If you haven't read about the Walk ( Click here) Once we get settled in the new place, I'll post pictures!


  1. Congrats on getting the new apartment! You forgot to add the Princeton Walk into everything you've been doing this year. My guess is that next year won't be quite so much work since you'll already have contacts made and have an idea of what you're doing. You might also think about forming a committee (most fundraising events have them) so that you aren't doing everything on your own. I'm sure everything will work out great.

    1. Yeah, its been a lot, but I've enjoyed it too. I have had lots of people help out this year too. Next year I will forms smaller teams to do certain tasks (flyers, etc). AND I have all the letters, contacts, etc saved. So next year will be smoother. And it is going great! We have almost got 100 walkers and we are due to reach just over $5,000. I would love to make it 10,000. We'll see. :-)


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