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Traveling and Moving!

Moving Again!

So many exciting things have been happening lately. First off, It's now offically Great Strides Season and the Cf Walks have started for the year! My team's first walk site is in Champaign on May 3rd!

(pic: My first Walk Team in Champaign: Sarah, Stacey, Alex, and myself)

I'm so excited about this walk and seeing some friends from U of I. Right now, I only have 3-4 team members signed up for this walk. However, Alex ( the guy pictured above) lives in Champaign still and is throwing a fundraising/walker recruitment party the night before at a pizza place. He's suppyling the pizza (well I sent him the donation letter, so the restaurant could donate the pizza or give him a discount-since its tax deductable). Guests pay for their own drinks and are asked to donate to our walk team and/or join us the next day at the walk (suggested donation he's asking for is $10 a person). He just started inviting people last night. He invited quite a few and already 10 people are attending! So hopefully that number continues to rise. Very exciting to have a friend host their own fundraiser for CF! This exactly how walk teams grow, by having team members that are really active! I love it! I can't wait to go to Champagin May 2nd for the pizza fundraiser and do the walk the next day! We do have to rush back that day, because I work at 6pm that night. If anyone else wants to host a party/fundraiser message me for ideas. I can help you out! And to donate to the Champaign Walk : CLICK HERE to donate or join

Wish I was traveling home for Easter...
I  work this Easter 4-10pm and Andrew works Easter morning 3am-noon (He's helping the restaurant he works at make Easter Meals for the eldery to deliver for mobile meals). So we will be celebrating Easter in between our jobs from noon-3pm! Then Monday morning (the day after Easter) I have my diabetes test. So I'll have to fast from 8pm on, so since I work 4-10pm. My last meal will be lunch and then it will be a full 24 hours without food. UGH. It's not too bad, I've been in the hospital before with intestine problems that kept me from eating for weeks.

What other traveling news? Well, I have a 2nd CF Walk in Naperville on May 17th! I have 7 people walking at that site. And of course I have a CF still in Princeton and Peoria this year! if you want to read about my CF Walk in Princeton (READ ABOUT IT HERE) I'm so excited to have so many walk sites and people getting involved! We have over 50 people walking at the Princeton location and we are doing a fundraiser that night after the walk at Culvers too (Read about Culvers curing CF here) So I'm hoping all together we can raise $10,000 for a cure for CF!

Okay, okay, enough about traveling for the CF Walks. I'm sure your curious about the MOVING part! Well, as you know I packed up and moved to Bensenville in August of last year (Read about the big moving day and the school we attended HERE.)! Well, now I'm happy to announce I'll be moving to Sycamore, IL. I'll be living there, working at a local Family Video, etc while Andrew attends Northern University and works at the local Culvers as the Kitchen Supervisor. I'll be living in Sycamore, IL for at least 1.5 - 2 years. It is 40 mins closer to my hometown, I know a few more people around that area and it is a lot less Chicago-ish. Which is a major plus for me. I'm not a Chicago/burbs type girl.

I'll discuss why we are moving and give more details in the next blog. But for now, just wanted to share the news! And tell you that I'm very excited about all this traveling that is coming up. And safe travels for everyone visiting family, etc over Easter Weekend!


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