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Petechiae fading, Wow Week!

Yep, Roller Coaster Week:

Overall, the week had been great. I've been having lots of positive things happening lately and I was even home last weekend for my birthday (Read about my FABULOUS Birthday HERE). Andrew did a lot of planning  for my birthday, I had clinical trial Thurs, which went fairly decent. Lots of good things had been happening and then bam, saw those spots. Well...

Whew, thank goodness those spots faded a lot over the weekend! I was really worried about those petehciae. A lot of it had to do with the memories of my mom being really sick in the past. (Read about why I was worried HERE) So Saturday, Andrew and I drove to the hospital to get the blood work. Doc understood I had a wedding I really wanted to attend, so he rushed the results. So here Andrew and I were sitting in the car waiting for the call from Doc. Doc was going to tell me if I was Anemic, or if anything else concerning showed up. If so, I'd miss the wedding and have to come see doc. But otherwise, I was allowed to go to the wedding and just update Doc on Monday.  We didn't want to drive towards doc's and be farther from the wedding, but we didn't want to get headed toward the wedding and have to turn around for doc. So we sat in a Target parking lot. Which is where I put my make-up, jewelry, etc on and got ready for the wedding. Well, Doc's office called and said that thankfully I was not anemic and that I could go to the Wedding! YAY! (Pic of us in parking lot waiting)

I was so glad we got to attend John and Yohanna's Reception (we missed the ceremony, which is upsetting, but it was taped). It meant a lot to me to be there, I wanted to be there to celebrate their wedding. I've known John since grade school, we became besties in late high school, did a youth group together, called DeMolay.Love him bunches, he's one of my best friends! So needless to say, everyone became a very small, tight knit group of friends over the years. John and I also dated  for a while a few years back ( no worries, we are still besties and no hard feelings). But because of all those years of being friends and after everything we had been through, I knew I couldn't miss his wedding. Poor Andrew, I was crying to him about how it wasn't fair I always get sick when the best things are happening and how important it was to me to be there. Although, I knew John would understand if I couldn't make, it didn't make me feel any better.

I also have known Yohanna for quite a while. I was best friend's with her older sister (Helena), so I knew Yohanna through her. Then another friend of mine married their other sister, Esther. So yes. I knew this whole wedding party very well. I have been looking forward to John and Yohanna's wedding ever since I heard they were engaged! Yohann'a s so sweet and they are the perfect match! They are such a fun couple too, so I knew their wedding would be a blast! Which it was! I also got to meet up with some old friends (from the DeMolay Youth Group). I hadn't seen some of those friends in almost 6 years! WOW! So I was VERY happy I got to attend! So glad I got the go ahead from Doc!!!

I was really tired, but we had a great time. I even went out with a couple of really good friends later to a local piano bar. No worries, I had some Shirley Temples and Andrew enjoyed some Dr. Pepper. I've decided that I don't want to risk anything else, while I have these petechiae and Andrew doesn't drink when I can't, because he's so supportive. Sitting on the couch hanging out with those friends, it made me realize how long it had been since we had done anything with them. I need to change this and see them more often!

Sunday, was also really fun. We went to a church pankcake breakfast with Andrew's family  and then headed to Peoria to see my sister's kids in the school musical. Note: by "kids" I mean her students. She is the music teacher pre k- 8th grade at a school in Peoria. She also teaches the 2 bands and 1 choir there. Her 5th-8th grades had their annual musical this weekend. It was such a great show. I'm such a sap, I totally teared up a couple times when I thought the music was amazing. The acting was good, the sets were amazing, and the singing was GREAT! Even the 2 kids who couldn't really sing well, still sounded pretty good. She did a fabulous job with those kids and I love seeing her with her students. You can tell they all love her!

Mom, Dad, Andrew, Me, Ada, and (my cousin was with us) Kazia all went out for dinner! It was really fun, I really love getting our whole family together. I think the dynamics got even better when Andrew started dating me. Dad and Andrew get along amazingly, one time while Andrew and I were skyping while I was at mom and dad's. Dad ended up taking over the conversation and the 2 of them chatted. Haha, left out :-( lol

It was a fabulous weekend, acutally the whole week  was great, considering how the bone density scan turned out (Read about the Results HERE) and GUESS WHAT!?  The spots are almost gone. I called Doc and we may be checking into a few things over the next couple weeks, but overall we aren't very concerned. And I got to have another amazing weekend and I won't miss work this week. So thank goodness. I hope all these good results continue through my diabetes test (which is the day after Easter)!!!

Fun Weekends, hopefully continue with good news too! Keep you all posted!


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