COMPLIANCE: This is a huge topic in the CF community. Lots of people (including myself) keep track of how long they have been 100% compliant (days without skipping a single pill, treatment or vest). Its such a difficult topic. Lots of studies have been done showing low numbers for compliance. I just read one the other day that a fellow CFers posted on Facebook and it got me thinking about how difficult compiance is for me. And I bet there are other CFers are there with just as difficult situations too. I'm going to give my two sense about the whole topic! A lot goes into doing meds, my daily routine, etc, so I'll fill you in. Compliance: is it important? Why Keep Track? Um, yes. Of course it is. You are prescribed those meds and nebulizers for a reason. Try to find something to help keep you on track. I now for lots of people this is keeping record of how many days in a row they have been compliant. I know I keep track as motivation to get me to do all of my meds. ...
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