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My Blog & My Mom!

My Blog & my Mom:

Some exciting news, a few days ago a list was published with the top 35 Cystic Fibrosis Blogs: Mine was on that list. I was listed as #7 See the List of Blogs HERE! I put the badge on the left top side of my blog! Also, for anyone considering walking in June at the Princeton Walk. If you want to register you I can. I just need your birthdate, goal donation/fundraising amount, contact info.  I'm excited that it's getting closer! That's all that's about new...except it's March, slowly getting warmer, and my Mom came to visit!

In my last post I updated everyone on all the different things that have been going on! I know it's a lot of info in a lil blurb, but I wanted to make sure to cover each topic! So now it's march, wish it was warmer and less snowy. Like I said in the post: Walk in My Shoes: Spoon Theory, shoveling snow, clearing off my car, and the cold all bother my lungs a lot. I'll be very happy when the snow is gone and I can start going for walks outside! Not to mention warmer weather would of been nice yesterday when my mom came to visit. The weather wasn't too bad. Andrew, Mom, and I drove to IKEA. Walked through it, had lunch, hung out at the apartment for a bit, then went out for dinner (where Andrew works) and saw the movie "Philomena" at the local theatre. We love it there. Tickets are $4 and concessions are super cheap too. They have a little ice cream parlor inside too, we usually each get one scoop of ice cream (each a $1.25). Wow, 2 people seeing a movie for $10.50 and we get ice cream. So Andrew and I decided we had to show mom part of our little town and the charm of it. We all really enjoyed the movie and loved hanging out! I got some pots at IKEA to plant some herbs! So ready for spring! I loved having my mom visit, she is sooo amazing! I miss her so much when she leaves, I always tear up.

I don't care if people call me a mama's girl or too attached. I can't help it. My mother did everything for me. She gave up a career, her and dad gave up all their savings and had scrape by sometimes in order to pay my medical bills. My mother had to work around the clock to take care of me. My feedings, breathing treatments, pills, physical therapy, muscle strengthening exercises, etc. She still managed to find time for us to have fun! My mom had to be my leader in Girl Scouts (she loved it too), but I wasn't allowed to go on school trips without a parent. I had too many medical emergencies, some which led to surgeries, etc. But she always made sure the schools treated me fairly! (Don't get me wrong, most of my teachers were phenomenal). My mom was and always will be my biggest advocate. She's "gone to the Mat" with a few teachers for being mean to me and judging me." My mother was always around me and always there for me. When I missed school and was home tutored for long periods when sick, she was practically my teacher and mother. When in the hospital she came with. She was always there. (She didn't smother me though...) I had friends over, went with friends, stayed at their houses, went to summer camps,did dance, theatre, went to college, I led a normal life. Except I honestly needed my mom a lot more than other people. Therefore, she became my best friend.  Because of her I was able to get rid of my leg brace in 4th grade. Nobody can even tell I have Cerebral Palsy anymore. Because of her I was able to get rid of my glasses and have better vision. She taught me to stand up for myself, be independent, and never give up! I love my mom. And even though she only left on the train at 8am this morning to go home, I already miss her.

 I think I will leave this on a sappy note... Oh and don't forget to check out the other top blogs listed in the above link! And keep in mind the Princeton Walk :-) Now, spring get here!


  1. Congrats on making the top 35 CF blogs list. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your mom.

  2. Well Cheriz, your awesomeness had to come from SOMEWHERE. Now we know - you inherited it from your MOM! Congratulations on your blog award.

  3. Thanks guys! I'm very excited about the blog award and I loved having my mom visit, and you are right she is awesome! Guess, I must be at least part awesome... :-) Thanks!


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