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48 hours without Food (Pin Challenge #1)

48 Hours Without Food- (Pin Challenge #1):

     It's really not that big of a deal, I've had so many stomach and Gastrointestinal issues over the years, that skipping food doesn't usually bother me. However, once when I was in the hospital for an  intestinal blockage I couldn't eat for a couple weeks. and Liquids don't cut it, so after a while I started to dream about all the food I'd want to eat once I got the green light. I started watching food network for ideas and made lists of all the food I wanted to buy and wat once I was out of the hospital.  Grocery Shopping was always really fun, but a little expensive. Well, two days ago, on Friday, I had my colonoscopy. (to read about my somach issues: click here)

      The doctor said that my colon and intestines looked good and that I just had an intestinal infection. So all should be okay, as long as I just give it time, when my stomach issues act up. She told me to keep taking the probiotics pills and to keep drinking the Kefir to help with the "good" bacteria in my intestindes. I was glad to hear that my Gastro-issues all mostly just CF related, not something else.

So since I stopped eating Wednesday afternoon and didn't get out of the colonoscopy until Friday afternoon, we (Andrew and I) decided to give some food recipes we found on Pinterest a try. They were AMAZING! Well, technically, my frist meal had to be something super light. So my lunch was an easy to eat meal, and we had the Pin-Recipes for dinner!

(Pin Recipes: Shrimp and Salad. see picture on the right)

They were both really easy to make too. Granted I try to eat high calorie food and they didn't quite meet that standard. But, I can change them up next time a litte to make them higher calorie.

Here are the Pins we used and below are the recipes:

Spinach Salad (super easy)                 Simple Shrimp Scampi
1 Cup Spinach                                        Melt 1/2 stick Butter on Tin Foil on Cookie Sheet
1 Avocado chopped                                Spread 1 bag of Medium countPre-cooked Shrimp on foil
2 Tomatoes chopped                               Pour remaining 1/2 stick butter over it
1 Tbsp. Lemon                                        Sprinkle Italian Seasoning over Shrimp
(sprinkle Salt & Pepper)                         Pour 2 Tbsp. Lemon over Shrimp
drizzle olive oil over                               Sprinkle Salt over top
Toss Salad & done!                                 Bake uncovered 15 mins @350 degrees

Add toast or biscuit and tah-dah! Yummy! Both these recipes are amazing! You will LOVE Them and only take 20 mins to make!

This is the first of my Pin-Challenges! I'm going to start another board with all the Pins I have done. And once a month I will post them on this blog to reveiw how well they worked! I started a Linky Party for it! Click here to read about the Pin Challenge or Join in the fun! I decided to add this to my blog, because it is a new challenge I want to committ to, something extra to do that I thought would be fun. My life isn't all CF, its part CF, part  family & friends, part food & cooking, part Theatre & Dancing, part School and Work, and so much more! So hopefully you enjoy the little breaks from hearing about tubes, needles, and coughing. :-) LOL So hopefully, I won't have to blog about any more colonoscopies for a while, cause the prep for it, isn't fun or pretty. I had to do two rounds of the prep liquid, I put it through my G-tube so I didn't have to taste it. But I can tell you right now that if you are doing a colonoscopy prep, don't make plans for the day, because you will be spending it in the bathroom. I know, weird combo- conoloscopy prep and food. But believe me, I was so hungry Friday it makes sense. LOL

what do you think about these recipes? Got a Pin you are dying to try! Do it, blog about it and link it up so other can see how well it works! <3  


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