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58 Flights Later...

58 flights...

That's how many flights of stairs people climbed this morning in Chicago in honor of those with Cystic Fibrosis! The event raised over $120,000 today and I'm so proud of my boyfriend, Andrew, who also climbed the 58 flights and did it in 17 minutes and 43 seconds!

(Pre-Climb: GATORADE! and excuse my bad hair...I woke up late...was half asleep still... )

We gathered in a building, where they had music, snacks, etc before the race. After climbers reach the top there is an after party. We didn't stay long after the walk though, I had a lot to do today and Andrew had to work.

My friend, Colleen and her husband particpated too! So it was nice seeing them again. (Since we have only "met"twice in person. (We became friends via online through our blogs, etc.).

I wanted to participate this year, but with my going in the hospital and being on IVs all last month, I didn't want to push it. However, next year I plan on climbing!

Each timer is individually timed, using a chip the participant wears on their shoe. Particpants are spaced out with 5 seconds between each climber. Two of the floors have bathrooms, gatorade, granola bars. There were 3 groups of climbers. Elite: under 10 minutes goal, Competitive: under 25 minutes, and the final group are the climbers who want to climb at their own leisurely pace. -> that's be me next year!

Andrew wants to beat his time next year (shooting for 10 minutes), my goal will be under 30 minutes!

Neat Fun fact: 001 was the person who raised the most money, and so on. So the lower the number you have, the more money you raised. Andrew was #25 out out over 200 climbers. We raised $320 for the event! So THANK YOU to everyone who donated! SO THANK YOU! <3

ALSO: Last night Andrew and I had a few friends over, Andrew made Bruschetta. Chicken wings, BumbleBee Salsa n chips, and 2 Cheesecakes.. well, I made the Bumblebee dip/salsa..It was great to have some friends over to the apartment! I had a great time and I can't wait to host more parties!

(you can kind of see my new Asymetrical Pixie Hair cut here...)

AND tomorrow: I go to my first clinical trial appointment. I'm not trying any new drugs. Just helping doctors prove that using Cayston and Tobi alternating months is more effective than just Tobi! I continue the meds for 6 months and record a lot. I'm excited to do more research! I want to be as involved as possible! Plus, proving the effectiveness of these meds together will make it easier to get insurance coverage for them! and next week I see a GI specialist, because I'm still having antibiotic associated diarrhea (TMI, but I'm annoyed..It's been 3 weeks!). Probiotics, the meds Doc prescribed aren't helping, so GI specialist and scope next week!

Friends over, Cf Fundraiser, Clinical Trials, And figuriung out my GI issues, going home to visit family and everything too this week: It's been busy, but I love my life the way it is and I'm so thankful for my family and friends (who always support me!)


  1. Congrats to Andrew for climbing 58 flights of stairs in 17 minutes 43 seconds! I'm definitely in awe.

  2. Sounds like a great event!! Congrats :)


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