How Do I Gain Weight- not with Whoppers! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday! Andrew and I had a lot of Thanksgivings to go to and it was chaotic, and Dad's Birthday is Monday! (To the Right is a Picture Mom took this weekend) Okay, now to the blog topic: I don't eat out a lot and I don't like to eat fast food alot, with all my GI issues it can be difficult to gain weight. I know lots of CFers struggle with this. I have trouble with diary, meat, greasy food, carbonated drinks, spicy food. My mouth loves all these foods, but my intestines say otherwise. I'm hoping after my colonoscopy on Dec 13th I will be able to figure out some of the problems and tolerate more. I need to take in lots of calories, but I have learned some tricks along the way. Here is my Weight Gain Story: Besides eating Buffalo Wild Wings and scarfing down wings and their nachos LOL, there are lots of different things I can do to try and gain weight! I also, focus o...
Cleaning and Cooking