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First Wknd Home- Fall Fun

First Weekend Home: Fall Fun:

This is the first weekend since I've been home from the hospital. Andrew had Fri Night- Sunday afternoon off. So Andrew and I decided to celebrate the fall season!

We decided to get our pumpkins, and Andrew even made us an apple pie- It was delicious!

(doesn't that look yummy)

 Andrew's Mom had the weekend off, so she came to visit on Saturday. Once Cindi arrived we went to an orchard, got some kettle corn, pumpkin spice, and caramel corn. We got a couple taffy apples too! The orchard was really nice, they had a carnvial, petting zoo, camel and pony rides, a sweets shop, pumpkin patch, corn maze and lots of other stuff. We took a lot of silly photos.... (Here we are as two peppers, we are some "hot stuff"-- just kidding)

After the Orchard we went out to Dinner with some of our friends. We were celebrating Jake's Birthday :-) We went to Weber Grill!  It was very delicous. And I just had to get our pic by the enormous grill they have out front.

I had BBQ- I scarfed down 3 large pieces of brisket, 2  full sausage links, side of mac-n-cheese, side of baked beans, AND ate half of Andrew's pulled pork, had one of his bbq ribs, 5 rolls with butter, and I even went through a whole dessert.

My appetite has been crazy since I was put on the steriods. I hope once I'm done with Prednisone, I keep my apetite and therefore, my weight up. I keep gaining weight too! Last night I was 108.8 lbs. CrAzY!

We had a great time out and it was nice to actually go out! (of course, we had to plan around my meds, and did one of my IV meds on the way to the orchard. But, it worked perfectly. It was exactly what I needed! A day to forget about the meds ( I didn't forget them though, I did them...) where I could focus on having fun!

I'm excited to go back to classes on Monday, I hope to figure out what will happen with my internship. I'm too far behind in it, to catch up. So I may have to re-start an internship in Jan and go through the summer. I was hoping to have the summer off, but that is okay. I did give my notice to Family Video. I really want to focus on gaining weight and bringing my lung function up more. Andrew and I figured out everything financially. Between my income and his, I don't need the family video job on top of everything. So we are going to seriously work on getting me in the best health I can be.

We'll see what my post-hospital/Clinic on Friday will bring! And I will post pics of our pumpkins once they are fully finished too!


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better & proud of your for your awesome weight gain - hope it sticks! I think you're making a smart choice leaving one of your jobs. And, have I mentioned how lucky you are to have an awesome guy like, Andrew?! :)

    1. Yeah, I'm definetly feeling better. Just need to stick to the routine of all the meds :-) He's pretty amazing. We're lucky girls to have such great guys. Also, I'm anxious to see what happens Friday at my appt! And looking forward to the CF climb!


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