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Cystic Fibrosis= a lot of recycling

CF and Recycling:

I never realized how much I recycled until I moved to a town where I don't receive curb-side pick up. Instead we fill up our trunks and drive it 20 mins to a neighboring town's recycling center. Also, my pharmacy is in this town, just a few blocks away.  It's meant to be....

I've always recycled a lot and have been earth friendly. I have convinced quite a few others into being "recyclers" too. Most of my college roommates and friends learned early on it was easier to break down the  boxes, rinse out the cans, and recycle, rather than here my 20 minute "soapbox" talks every time I found a recyclable product in the trash. Just ask

So I've heard people discuss the fact my recycling container in the kitchen is your average 13 gallon can, whereas my trash in the kitchen is small (like a bathroom or an "under the desk" size can) is beyond weird looking. They may look funny next to each other. But the truth is in my picture below:

A couple days worth of recycling on the left opposed to my trash on the right.

How could I have that much recycling?

Easy. I have to eat an enormous amount everyday. I empty multiple pill containers a week, I use 4 cans of feeding at night. That is around 30 cans a week. The wrapping/ packaging my meds and equipment comes in. Plus, the typical food boxes, cans, plastic. 

How could I not recycle? 

I really hope other CFers think about this too! It can make a difference. Its not that hard to rinse out the cans. At first I hung a big poster in front of the recycling can with pictures and lists of what can be recycled. My roommates soon were recycling without even thinking about it and I know that even after I moved away they continued.  So if you don't. I challenge you to a month of trying. After one month I think you will be used to it and it won't seem so weird. 

I can't wait until I have my own home and yard! Then I can compost, garden, etc :-)

Not sure where to take your recycling? Don't have recycling in your town. Think you can't find one? click HERE to find your nearest recycling center!

If you have to travel far (I know some small towns around my hometown have to drive over 20 mins). Get  more people in the community involved, go to a city "board" meeting. Or even just ask your neighbors and friends. Take turns driving it there :-) 

I definetly think my CF has helped my roommates, family, and friends realize how much we really do recycle!



  1. Aaah spot on!! Since I started with tube feeding, 2 months ago, I've got so. much. stuff to throw out! Here in the Netherlands most people recycle paper and glass, but thats it. Where I live now there is a big container for plastic as well, next to the supermarket where I do my groceries so it's perfect! My boyfriend used to make fun of me being so into recycling, hehe, but once he saw the amount of waist that I have now, every day, I think he gets it! He certainly does it a lot more himself now too ^^

    Saw the link to your blog on the cf page on facebook. It's great, I like your attitude and recognize a lot, next to the recycling ;) Take care and kick ass with your next clinic visit! Hopefully those lungs are acting a bit nicer again by then.


    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad you found the blog. I've been made fun of for recycling too. But eh, that's okay. And my follow up clinic is in one month. (fingers crossed) Once I get settled with jobs/school- it should be okay. you on the FB group or CysticLife?

  2. Kudos to you for being earth friendly, Cheriz! If only each and everyone of us is practicing the process of recycling, our environment will surely be preserved. I really admire people like you who are concerned and aware about our surroundings. In any way, just continue doing that project and never stop encouraging people to do the same. I hope you are faring better now. Thanks for sharing that! Kudos and all the best to you!

    Clarence Rios @ Bins By Jo Ltd.

    1. Thanks, and I totally agree with you. It's so important!


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