Been awhile: Update AKA.The Burbs :-)
Well, its been a while since I blogged. I'm a slacker. Okay, really
though I have been busy. At the end of July I went to Florida to help a friend move back to Illinois ( called it my mini-vacation). Went to the ocean, did some shopping, and loaded a big moving truck and drove back to Illinois.
(and, yes I know I'm really skinny here. I hadn't put back on the weight I lost after my surgery yet..)
Then I worked my last two weeks at work, while packing up my entire apartment. Moving was a big decision for me. Yes, I want to get my Masters and I could transfer my job at the video store. Plus, finish up my Real Estate Licensing to start a career in that. So, why would I stay in Princeton? Especially when Andrew is moving up to Dominican University to get his bachelors degree. I will miss my friends and family, and my babysitting kids; But, I'm not about to miss out on this chance, when there are so many perks to moving.
1. Not having to live 2 hours away from Andrew
2. Being only 20 minutes away from my CF doctor! YAY!!!!!!
3. More shopping, restaurants, etc
4. going to school -getting my Masters
5. plus, I love the apartment I found. Its across from a huge lake, with a walking path. Plus, everything was renovated before I moved in :-)
I had a huge garage sale. I made around $400, which paid for all the moving costs, etc. Plus, my dad fit my whole 1,000 sq ft apartment into the truck. He's quite amazing at it. Nothing got damaged and it was a smooth move. Thanks to my family, Andrew, and our friends Jake and Tim!
This week I have transferred my medical information, found my new pharmacy, got set up with my new job. Bought a dinning room set, got cable, and internet hooked up. I have everything unpacked and even have my wall art hanging!
School update: I got into the University of St. Francis, but was waiting to hear back from Dominican. I got my letter last week. I just saw it today though, with the move, I missed it. So I got to rush around tomorrow if I want this Master's Degree to still happen. Cuz classes technically started today. But considering the date on the acceptance letter was the 23rd... I should be okay. I think.
(Who wouldn't want to go to school that reminds them of Hogwarts...)

I don't think I want to work as a social worker in a hospital type setting, I want to get more involved with advocacy/fighting insurance and pharmaceutical companies to help patients and clinics receive the proper care. I'd love to be hired by CFF to check out the standards of other clinics/quality of care. Or even work for a non-profit advocating for the CF community. So I may not use my Social Workers Degree in the typical way, but it will be put to good use.
Last Sunday I got the chance to go to one of my Doctor's Brunch /Seminar/Lectures. He discussed a lot of critical topics relating to CFers. I really enjoyed his presentation. I met some very interesting people and it was nice to be able to talk about CF to the very people who are in positions that are similar to the career I want to follow. It reminded me of why I decided to get into the field of social work to begin with and why I want my Masters.
Living in the Burbs:
Overall, I now know my way around the main area by where I live. I have yet to get adventurous and take the train into downtown. However, I can get to major shopping districts, school, the store and my doctors. When I try to find new things I get a little flustered if my GPS doesn't work. Which happened the other day. Driving along and bam it dies. I'm like "(insert string of unrepeatable words). I have no idea where I'm at. My boyfriend is in class, my only friend in the area was in class too. So what I do. I call mom, who is two hours away and has no idea where I'm at. So here she is trying to find me on google maps, I keep repeating streets and places. Nothing is linking up. Apparently the street I was going to take has two roads that don't connect and one continues into another town. So 20 mins later, quite a bit of gas later, and quite a few miles away from my apt. I find a road I know. Only which way do I turn onto it....Well I turned...And then noticed a plane flying in low the other direction. I knew having O'Hare in my backyard would come in handy :-) And I found my home! Whew, this time.
Oh, and now that I'm settled and have internet I will be blogging more regularly :-) Sorry guys!
Well, its been a while since I blogged. I'm a slacker. Okay, really
though I have been busy. At the end of July I went to Florida to help a friend move back to Illinois ( called it my mini-vacation). Went to the ocean, did some shopping, and loaded a big moving truck and drove back to Illinois.
(and, yes I know I'm really skinny here. I hadn't put back on the weight I lost after my surgery yet..)
Then I worked my last two weeks at work, while packing up my entire apartment. Moving was a big decision for me. Yes, I want to get my Masters and I could transfer my job at the video store. Plus, finish up my Real Estate Licensing to start a career in that. So, why would I stay in Princeton? Especially when Andrew is moving up to Dominican University to get his bachelors degree. I will miss my friends and family, and my babysitting kids; But, I'm not about to miss out on this chance, when there are so many perks to moving.
1. Not having to live 2 hours away from Andrew
2. Being only 20 minutes away from my CF doctor! YAY!!!!!!
3. More shopping, restaurants, etc
4. going to school -getting my Masters
5. plus, I love the apartment I found. Its across from a huge lake, with a walking path. Plus, everything was renovated before I moved in :-)

This week I have transferred my medical information, found my new pharmacy, got set up with my new job. Bought a dinning room set, got cable, and internet hooked up. I have everything unpacked and even have my wall art hanging!

(Who wouldn't want to go to school that reminds them of Hogwarts...)

I don't think I want to work as a social worker in a hospital type setting, I want to get more involved with advocacy/fighting insurance and pharmaceutical companies to help patients and clinics receive the proper care. I'd love to be hired by CFF to check out the standards of other clinics/quality of care. Or even work for a non-profit advocating for the CF community. So I may not use my Social Workers Degree in the typical way, but it will be put to good use.
Last Sunday I got the chance to go to one of my Doctor's Brunch /Seminar/Lectures. He discussed a lot of critical topics relating to CFers. I really enjoyed his presentation. I met some very interesting people and it was nice to be able to talk about CF to the very people who are in positions that are similar to the career I want to follow. It reminded me of why I decided to get into the field of social work to begin with and why I want my Masters.
Living in the Burbs:
Overall, I now know my way around the main area by where I live. I have yet to get adventurous and take the train into downtown. However, I can get to major shopping districts, school, the store and my doctors. When I try to find new things I get a little flustered if my GPS doesn't work. Which happened the other day. Driving along and bam it dies. I'm like "(insert string of unrepeatable words). I have no idea where I'm at. My boyfriend is in class, my only friend in the area was in class too. So what I do. I call mom, who is two hours away and has no idea where I'm at. So here she is trying to find me on google maps, I keep repeating streets and places. Nothing is linking up. Apparently the street I was going to take has two roads that don't connect and one continues into another town. So 20 mins later, quite a bit of gas later, and quite a few miles away from my apt. I find a road I know. Only which way do I turn onto it....Well I turned...And then noticed a plane flying in low the other direction. I knew having O'Hare in my backyard would come in handy :-) And I found my home! Whew, this time.
Oh, and now that I'm settled and have internet I will be blogging more regularly :-) Sorry guys!
Welcome to the Chicago burbs! We have a group (a private page on FB) for those in Chicago and the suburbs. It's filled with CF parents (like me), spouses, and those with CF. We get together for lunch of dinner every few months and ask questions/advice through FB as needed. If you're interested, shoot me an email and I'll "invite" you or I can send you the link. shanahane (A) hotmail (dot) com.