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New Purple Vest, Insurance and all that Jazz

And All that Jaaaaaazzzzzz...

It's getting close to my appointment with the Rheumatologist! Very excited to get this figured out and find the right meds! Also, right now I'm on anitbiotics ( not IV, just oral) and prednisone. My lungs have been pretty crappy lately, so hopefully this round of meds will boost them back up!

My weight has been going up though, since my Boyfriend has been cooking me a lot of meals lately (ps. he is amazing cook)! Sure beats my grab a granola bar on the go meals.

Also, good news! I got a new vest, foot pump, and tubes (not a new machine)... Bummer, but at least I got it fixed, so I can use it again! I got the purple vest (my favorite color)! And the cool thing is the new vests are washable! (Picture of: Me in my new purple vest, the old honking machine w/new parts, plus a picture I need to hang, a shoe rack I need to out together, and a black dress that is currently drying...haha sorry bout the mess!)The new machine would have been nice, its half the size and weight. The current one I own is 35 lbs. So I can't take it on traveling...The new machine comes with a traveling case and everything. But $16,000 is too much the insurance is saying... ok..I'll give you that one.

BUT...they are denying my Nebulizer treatment TOBI too, cuz it is around $6,000 a month. They say there is no proof that alternating between TOBI and Cayston every other month helps. But Dr. B says it does. It helps our bodies not build up resistance the one anitbiotic or the other. Keeps those CF bugs on their toes!

So, he is duking it out with them right now, and I have no doubt in my mind he will win the battle! He is pretty much awesome like that!
Nebulizer treatment TOBI too, cuz it is around $6,000 a month. They say there is no proof that alternating between TOBI and Cayston every other month helps. But Dr. B says it does. It helps our bodies not build up resistance the one anitbiotic or the other. Keeps those CF bugs on their toes!

That's all the newest with me! The play I'm in shows in about a week and a half! :-) I get to play a bossy very pregant wife, with a baby I scream at. Should be fun! haha..


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