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Upcoming Chicago Weekend

Chicago Weekend:

I requested off from both my jobs, I don't have any play practices, etc; And I'm going to Chicago this weekend! I've been looking forward to the trip ever since Christmas! It was part the of the Christmas present Andrew gave me!

I even got to sleep until 9:00am this morning! Now, I'm just doing my meds and packing my bag for Chicago. I've been doing as much as I can medically since my Clinic Thurs. I was so disappointed in myself. I can't afford to let my numbers drop like that. Not if I want them to increase more. Things I need to start doing EVERYDAY:

10 nebulizers
1 hour of my vest (once I get my new one)
eat at least 2,500 calories
sleep at least 6 hours
take all my pills
do my inhalers
exercise/lift/jog (at least one of them)
take at least 1,050 calories through my stomach feeding at night.

If I can fit this into my schedule everyday, then I will be doing awesome! If I stick to this, then I can have a rewarding clinic on May 11th!

A good start: I'm packing all my meds this weekend! The awesome part is I just had my last dose of Cayston, so I start Tobi now! Switching my nebulizer antibiotics kills my singing voice. It takes away my higher range. But, Tobi is only twice a day and doesn't require a 2nd machine!

Which makes packing easier! Yay! Plus, I won't be running around serving tables, dancing, etc this weekend, so I shouldn't lose as many calories. And I will probably eat more calories than normal too! So not only will this weekend be amazingly fun, but help me gain some weight back too!

Believe it or not, I haven't been to Chicago much. I've taken the train in a couple of times, gone to Navy Pier, some museumes, etc. But not much else. So I'm very much looking forward to this weekend!

I hope you all have a great weekend as well!

ps. I updated my clinic charts on my "Clinic and Health" page!


  1. Cheriz you are such an amazing person. I think if there is someone to look up to it is you! you are so possitive and encouraging. What an honor to be apart of your journey. I know you will accomplish everything you set your mind to. I really get inspired by reading all of your blogs. whether good or bad they are uplifting, and possitive no matter what comes your way. Keep up all the impact you make on others live. !!!!!

    1. Aw, thanks! I'm glad you enjoy reading them! I enjoy sharing. The hardest part about CF, since all CFers have different mutations, no CFer are exactly alike. It helps to hear about others to be able to know we aren't alone. I hope I can do that for some of the CF Community! And my postive outlook comes from my parents! They are truely amazing! Thanks for following :-)


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