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My New Job, the 5K, and Classes

My Job, Classes, and the upcoming 5K:

First of all, I started a new job the other night. I now work at a local restaurant. I was hired as a server, but right now I'm hostess mostly. I really enjoy the work.  I love interacting with people, I've always been outgoing and this fits my personality very well. Why did I never think of it before? I have a 2nd interveiw for another job that is full time, BUT I'm not sure what will happen there. They aren't willing to work around my classes and I need those classes as pre-reqs for Grad School. Soooo. I'm going to the 2nd interveiw anyway, because they want me to (even though they stated this about the classes). I won't drop the classes. Even though I have no clue where I want to go for Grad School (or if I want to do online), I KNOW I want to do Grad School. And I need those classes!

Which brings me to my 2nd topic. Wow, going back to classes after graduating is..weird. This time around I talk more in class, don't care if people think I'm the "nerd in class." I'm focused on getting awesome letters of recommendation from both of professors for Grad School. That's all that matters. Of course, since I'm going to IVCC, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to dance and sing! Therefore, I auditioned for show choir. I made show choir, even though they practice from 6-10pm on Mondays and I have class from 6:30-9:30. But I can learn music on my owns and I think I can pick up the dancing pretty fast (dancing is my strong point). We'll see how it goes. I love dancing and singing though, so I can make it work.

My 5K is in 2 DAYS!  YIPES! I haven't been jogging. I had some medical issues with "mummy disease" then went on Vacation. So I will run it in the morning (at 8am) to practice it. Then run the real thing Saturday! I'm not shooting for a goal time, since I'm not prepared. My goal is to finish and finish semi-strong. I can try to shave time with more 5Ks. I'm nervous, but more excited to run it!

And hopefully, I'll have someone there to take pictures of me finishing the race. My doctor wants a good pic of me finishing for the newsletter. I'm all for promoting exercise, it has really helped me gain back lung function. So if he wants a picture of me all sweaty, tired, and panting then okay! I will let you all know how I do!


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