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Ugh, the good, bad, and ugly.

Good and Bad.

I love doing Hairspray and because of the Casts openess and acceptance of me doing neb treatments in front of them, I 've been staying way healthier than I usually do during plays. So no clue why this happens to me once in a while, but I kinda noticed how my legs were sore all day yesterday. Then as the night progressed I was even more sore. I kept thinking, oh its just from all the dancing. So between, being sore and finding out my good friend, Laura (with CF) is back in the hospital, I wasn't as cheery as normal. BUT, the Cast of Hairspray always knows how to put a smile on my face and I still had a FANTASTIC time last night.

Sore from dancing, I wish.

Nope. I woke up this morning barely able to move. I feel like a Mummy when this happens to me!! I also tend to get a fever and pink spots and swelling in my legs (as it gets worse). This happens to me once in a while. I will be so sore that moving makes me cringe or cry. When I was 12 I remember my dad carrying me everywhere.  Right now, its not too bad and I hope it stays that way all through my peformance tonight.

I want to blog about all the aspects my CF affects my life. And unfortunately, this is one of them.

In college, I had some awesome roommates that would help me out (Stacey, THANK YOU)! The last time I had a flare up was last fall and I realized how fortunate I was to have roommates and family always living with me up until this point. Last time, I didn't even want to get up to make my meds/ do my meds.

This time I have to do everything to keep my health at its top. I always give 100% during a performance and I can't do it that if I'm not keeping up with Meds.

What makes this happen to me?
Doctors aren't really sure, they think it has something to do with the liver not properly working and an excess of bacteria building up and crystalizing in the joints. The fever shows I have a bacteria my body's fighting and this is how my body reponds. I usually just wait it out.

If the spots show up later, I will take pictures for Dr. B, cuz he wants to see them (ha, and I can't go all the way to Chicago today).

We'll see what happens. I'm hoping that it just goes away, or postpones itself a few days. Sometimes it only lasts a day or two and sometimes 5 days. I'm hoping this is a 1 day thing! :-)

I will keep you all updated.


  1. I appreciate your telling it like it is with your experience including the not so fun stuff like pain. Will be sending you good vibes for your performance tonight and crossing my fingers this is one of the 1-day sessions!

    1. Thanks! yeah, the point of the site was to be honest about what its like for me to have CF. Ps. your vibes worked. I was only a little stiff and not much pain at all today; I performed at my full 100%!


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